Why is it easier to swim in seawater than in the pool? Why can we swim better in saltwater? Buoyancy – saltwater gives more buoyancy than freshwater because of the higher density of saltwater. Buoyancy makes it easy for the body to stay high in water, thus all other factors being kept equal, one can…
Category: Lifehacks
Do index funds or ETFs perform better?
Do index funds or ETFs perform better? The biggest difference between ETFs and index funds is that ETFs can be traded throughout the day like stocks, whereas index funds can be bought and sold only for the price set at the end of the trading day. However, if you’re interested in intraday trading, ETFs are…
What is the best Belgian Tripel?
What is the best Belgian Tripel? Top Rated Beers: Tripel Sorted by weighted rank (not shown). Ratings 1 La Fin Du Monde Unibroue 10,616 2 Tripel Van De Garre Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V. 401 3 Westmalle Trappist Tripel Brouwerij Westmalle 4,857 4 Curieux Allagash Brewing Company 4,059 What should I know about Belgian beer? 13…
How do you find the tension of a hanging rope?
How do you find the tension of a hanging rope? We can think of a tension in a given rope as T = (m × g) + (m × a), where “g” is the acceleration due to gravity of any objects the rope is supporting and “a” is any other acceleration on any objects the…
What college major has the best job outlook?
What college major has the best job outlook? The 10 Best College Majors For The Future Physical Therapy. Nursing. Construction Management. Electrical Engineering. Medical Technology. Medical Assistance. Chemical Engineering. Computer Information Systems. Computer majors are gaining in popularity and employment potential as well. What is the highest paying STEM careers? Highest-Paying STEM Jobs Computer Programmer….
Is a horse an Equid?
Is a horse an Equid? equine, one of the mammal family of Equidae (order Perissodactyla) that includes the modern horses, zebras, and asses, as well as more than 60 species known only from fossils. All six modern members of the family are placed in the genus Equus. What animals are considered equine? Equus is a…
What are differential equations used for in the real world?
What are differential equations used for in the real world? Ordinary differential equations applications in real life are used to calculate the movement or flow of electricity, motion of an object to and fro like a pendulum, to explain thermodynamics concepts. Also, in medical terms, they are used to check the growth of diseases in…
Is there a shortage of bullets in America?
Is there a shortage of bullets in America? Ammo production never higher, but still can’t meet demand in U.S. CHARLESTON, W.Va. — During the great toilet paper scare of 2020 many marveled at the public’s reaction to the possibility of a product being in short supply. How many ammunition do Americans have? If each owner…
Can you make merch of copyrighted characters?
Can you make merch of copyrighted characters? You can legally sell shirts with copyrighted characters only if you have the copyright holder’s permission to do so. Copyright is the exclusive right given to a creator to reproduce, distribute, or publicly display the creator’s artistic, literary, or artistic works, or give permission to others to do…
Do ERP systems save money?
Do ERP systems save money? The savings. For example, one study finds that on average an ERP can reduce overall operational costs by 23\% and administrative costs by 22\%. That’s a significant saving over time. According to an ERP study by Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC), 65\% of ERP implementations go over budget. How much does…