What is top-down and bottom-up approach in programming? In simple words, top-down programming is all about breaking a bigger problem into smaller chunks, whereas bottom-up programming focuses on amalgamating smaller chunks to paint the complete and bigger picture. How does top-down programming work? It refers to a style of programming where an application is constructed…
Category: Lifehacks
Can a dentist remove me from their list?
Can a dentist remove me from their list? If patients have been violent to any members of the practice staff or have been threatening to the point where there have been fears for personal safety, the incident must be reported to the police straightaway. In these circumstances, the practice can remove the patient from the…
Can you tell if a non friend has read your message?
Can you tell if a non friend has read your message? Under the last, the message will say “Seen ” with a time and date, or, for group conversations, “Seen by ” if they’ve been read. Nothing will appear if the latest message hasn’t been read. If a friend has read your message, you’ll see…
Who is the most weakest person in Star Wars?
Who is the most weakest person in Star Wars? Here are The 15 Most Powerful (And 10 Weakest) Beings In The Star Wars Galaxy, Ranked. 1 Powerful: Father. 2 Weakest: Captain Phasma. 3 Weakest: Zam Wesell. 4 Powerful: The Force Priestesses. 5 Weakest: Rugor Nass. 6 Weakest: Nute Gunray. 7 Powerful: Yoda. 8 Weakest: Vice…
Why was Africa so vulnerable and susceptible to colonization?
Why was Africa so vulnerable and susceptible to colonization? The slave trade had led to underdevelopment of the continent. This led to Africa being vulnerable to colonization by European forces in the late 1800’s. The impetus for African colonization was driven by profit, and was done so take advantage of the continent’s resources and to…
Are answers on Quora true?
Are answers on Quora true? Yes, all the answers on Quora are true. Why does Quora only show one answer? However, it’s very common for questions to get more than one answer that isn’t collapsed. If you look at, say, ten questions in a row and they all show only one answer, something might be…
When did Gaelic start being spoken?
When did Gaelic start being spoken? Its origins can be traced back as far as the 10th Century and it is believed to have been brought to Scotland by way of Ireland. From these beginnings, Gaelic spread throughout the country, becoming the main language of the medieval kingdom of Alba and remained that way right…
What do you do on the worst day of your life?
What do you do on the worst day of your life? In What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life,Brian Zahnd looks into the life of David to discover a pattern of faith we can apply to overcome life’s daunting obstacles. In David’s story we find a timeless model for how to encounter…
What is a stack frame in MIPS?
What is a stack frame in MIPS? The block of information stored on the stack to effect a procedure call and return is called the stack frame. In general, the stack frame for a procedure contains all necessary information to save and restore the state of a procedure. How do you make a stack in…
What fruit is a weed?
What fruit is a weed? It is all vegetable, as in animal, vegetable or mineral. Marijuana the drug is made from leaves and flower buds of the cannabis plant. Cannabis fruit are not usually consumed. Vegetables are usually eaten whole, raw or prepared. Is weed a flower or a fruit? Cannabis is an annual, dioecious,…