Can liver cirrhosis be cured completely? Cirrhosis cannot usually be cured, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and any complications, and stop the condition getting worse. How can I treat cirrhosis at home? Lifestyle and home remedies Don’t drink alcohol. Whether your cirrhosis was caused by chronic alcohol use or another disease, avoid…
Category: Interesting
How do parents feel about birth control?
How do parents feel about birth control? Most parents believed oral contraceptives are somewhat safe (55\%) or very safe (39\%) to use. Although 39\% of parents believed that most teenagers can use oral contraceptives correctly, 58\% believed that only some can do so. Between 3\% and 7\% gave the lowest-level response on each pill question….
Is Polkadot a good long term investment?
Is Polkadot a good long term investment? Since its lowest point of under $3 in August 2020, it has skyrocketed over 1,000\%. This could indicate that Polkadot is a good long-term investment. You just need to decide if you’re up for the possible rollercoaster to the top. In the meantime, consider staking your DOT and…
What is a runway and why does the length of runways at various airports differ?
What is a runway and why does the length of runways at various airports differ? Runway length requirements are generally greater at higher altitudes as the increased altitude reduces the density of air. This reduction in air density means the aircraft engines produce less thrust/power, thus requiring more runway length or a lower operating weight….
Can my gun handle +P ammo?
Can my gun handle +P ammo? So Is +P Ammo Safe To Shoot yes, with some caveats. It is well within the tolerances of modern firearms and certainly within the pressure level created by proof loads which modern guns are tested with. Therefore, it’s “safe.” What is the difference between 9mm +P and +P+? +P…
Can an asexual person have a romantic relationship?
Can an asexual person have a romantic relationship? An asexual person might not experience sexual attraction, but they might still experience romantic attraction. An asexual person could be romantically attracted to people of the same gender, people of another gender, or people of multiple genders. Many asexual people want — and have — romantic relationships….
What does the chuck in woodchuck mean?
What does the chuck in woodchuck mean? It means throwing wood, as you might when building a pile of pieces of wood to fuel your fire for the winter. The verb “chuck” is related to French choquer and English “shock”, from the noise and impact made when you throw something. What does a woodchuck really…
What are Steelers fans like?
What are Steelers fans like? They are loud and boisterous – like most football fans, but the biggest problem with Steeler fans is that they EXPECT the team to go to the Super Bowl every year. If the team has a decent season, and does not go to the Super Bowl, the fans are terribly…
Can I do masters in electrical engineering after mechanical engineering?
Can I do masters in electrical engineering after mechanical engineering? Yes, you might consider getting a master’s degree in mechanical engineering after you graduate with your BSEE. Can a mechanical engineer become an electrical engineer? All mechanical and civil engineers do study basic electrical engineering as a resuly they have some knowledge of that engineering….
What does unique pageview mean?
What does unique pageview mean? Unique Pageviews. A unique pageview, as seen in the Content Overview report, aggregates pageviews that are generated by the same user during the same session. A unique pageview represents the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times. What is pageview session unique visitor? When…