How does Twitter do advertising? Twitter calls Twitter Promote Mode an “always on advertising solution.” Basically, the first 10 Tweets your brand creates each day are added to a Promoted Tweets campaign and your selected audience is targeted. Your brand doesn’t need to put in the work to set up new, individual ad campaigns. What…
Category: Interesting
Which one is better Riverdale or 13 Reasons Why?
Which one is better Riverdale or 13 Reasons Why? 13 Reasons Why is realistic and deals with real trauma and problems, whereas Riverdale is a sloppy soap drama. They’re totally different shows. 13 Reasons is more realistic, but Riverdale is just a fun soap drama. Is Riverdale similar to 13 Reasons Why? On the surface,…
What is indomitable will?
What is indomitable will? (of a person) strong, brave, and impossible to defeat or make frightened: an indomitable spirit/will. Can Superman tell if you’re lying? In fact, his whole “secret identity” is a series of complex interlocking lies that allows him to live a real life and protects (at least in the comic books that…
Who were the best trained soldiers in ww2?
Who were the best trained soldiers in ww2? For the entire period of World War Two German infantry was the best trained. Gernan small unit tactics were simply a class above anyone else. German infantry invented things like the use of a squad machine gun. Who was the strongest army in World War 2? In…
Why are the wraiths afraid of water?
Why are the wraiths afraid of water? Water all his servants shunned, and to the sea none would willingly go nigh, save in dire need.” So the reason Sauron’s servants the Nazgûl feared water was because some small amount of Ulmo’s power continued to flow through it. Why can’t the Nazgûl cross the river? Why…
Are you allowed to keep bee hives in your garden?
Are you allowed to keep bee hives in your garden? Only keep bees in your garden if it is suitable – ask advice from experienced beekeepers. Avoid opening hives when neighbours are likely to be using their gardens. Aggressive colonies should be relocated at least 3 miles away to a site away from people. A…
Can a mosquito burst a vein?
Can a mosquito burst a vein? They suck so hard that the blood vessels start to collapse. Some of them rupture, spilling blood into the surrounding spaces. When that happens, the mosquito sometimes goes in for seconds, drinking directly from the blood pool that it had created. Do mosquitoes go for the veins? A mosquito…
What religion was Hungary before Christianity?
What religion was Hungary before Christianity? Hungary remained predominantly Catholic until the 16th century, when the Reformation took place and, as a result, first Lutheranism and then soon afterwards Calvinism became the religion of almost the entire population. What was English religion before Christianity? Anglo-Saxon paganism, sometimes termed Anglo-Saxon heathenism (hǣþendōm, “heathen practice or belief,…
What are police ranks in order?
What are police ranks in order? Director of. Intelligence. Bureau. (GOI)¹ Commissioner. Director. General of. Police² Joint. Deputy Commissioner of Police or. Senior Superintendent of Police. Deputy Commissioner of Police or. Superintendent of Police. Inspector of Police. Sub-Inspector of Police. Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police. Police Head Constable. Does a detective outrank a patrolman? Police officer/patrol…
What is the #1 unhealthiest food in the world?
What is the #1 unhealthiest food in the world? #1 Pizza. Being nicknamed for the love of pizzas, this name was hard to mention in the list. However, with highly refined dough, heavily processed meat and extremely high calories, pizza is one of the unhealthiest junk food in the world. What is the unhealthiest food…