What MBTI personality is narcissistic? Narcissistic Personality Disorder has been associated with ENTPs (Compensatory), ENFJs, and INTJs. Which MBTI type attract narcissists? type A personalities People with type A personalities attract narcissists, but a relationship between the two is a recipe for disaster. Narcissists know exactly who to target. Often they go after people with…
Category: Blog
When were timber frame houses built?
When were timber frame houses built? The greatest period of timber building in England and Wales was between 1200 AD and 1700 AD, a period which saw the development of a sophisticated prefabricated building system which provided the majority of buildings throughout the cities, towns and villages. Is timber frame traditional construction? Timber framing and…
Where does 3 score and 10 come from?
Where does 3 score and 10 come from? It’s three-score years and ten, and it means the average life expectancy (70 years). It comes from the bible. (A score is 20 years. Three score is 60, plus 10, equals 70.) What is three score in the Bible? Definition of threescore : being three times twenty…
How many dimensions does a single point have?
How many dimensions does a single point have? dimension zero A single point on its own has dimension zero. A line, such as a number line, has dimension one. A plane, such as the rectangular coordinate system, has dimension two. A solid, such as a cube, has dimension three. How many dimensions does a line…
Can someone forgive but not forget?
Can someone forgive but not forget? You can still forgive someone even if reconciling is not in your best interest. Forgiveness without forgetting means you let go of your emotions of anger and bitterness, yet you remember that your friend was untrustworthy. You may or may not decide to reconcile with that person. How do…
What is a strong Lagna?
What is a strong Lagna? (4) The Lagna Lord in angles and trines makes the Lagna strong. When you determine the strength of the Lagna Lord it is a different sort of factors : (1) Lagna Lord in angles, trines and aspecting the Lagna are strong. It should be well placed by sign and by…
How can I make myself a better salesman?
How can I make myself a better salesman? How to be a successful salesperson Think long term. The best sales professionals do not focus purely on making a sale, they look to build long-term relationships. Invest your time wisely. You need to really care. Know and believe in your product. Know your market inside out….
What happens if you eat 2 tablespoons of honey?
What happens if you eat 2 tablespoons of honey? Consuming two tablespoons of honey a day can offer health benefits such as antioxidants, better wound healing, and anti-inflammatory properties. Can we eat spoon of honey daily? Honey is a natural sweetener. But this does not mean that we can consume it without limits. The recommendation…
Can we Gift stethoscope?
Can we Gift stethoscope? Gift an investment that’s built to hear more And you value their dedication to caring for others. A personalised Littmann stethoscope is the perfect gift to show doctors, nurses, and medical professionals how much you care about them and the work they do. Which stethoscope is best for doctors? Top 5…
How many hours a week do elite runners run?
How many hours a week do elite runners run? Hours Per Week: Top runners commit to about 10 hours of actual running each week. When you factor in driving to the track, warm-up, warm-down, recovery, and dressing—add another 15 to 20 hours. Treating an injury (which is common) can add another four to 10 hours….