What is the difference between African and European bees? The main difference between the European and Africanized honey bee is its defense response; an Africanized honey bee colony, if disturbed, will send more guard bees to sting, and will pursue for a longer distance and stay agitated for a longer period of time, than a…
Category: Blog
Which country has the cheapest 5-star hotels?
Which country has the cheapest 5-star hotels? CHEAPEST 5-Star Hotels in the World Varna, Bulgaria. $94. A port and resort city located on the coast of the Black Sea, Varna is a paradise for beach bums. Khao Lak, Thailand. $89. Sarajevo, Bosnia. $89. Makati, Philippines. $87. Olhao, Portugal. $86. Iasi, Romania. $78. Genting Highlands, Malaysia….
How did they used to do blood transfusions?
How did they used to do blood transfusions? In the early 19th century, British obstetrician Dr. James Blundell made efforts to treat hemorrhage by transfusion of human blood using a syringe. In 1818 following experiments with animals, he performed the first successful transfusion of human blood to treat postpartum hemorrhage. Do vets do blood transfusions?…
Can an African and Asian elephant breed?
Can an African and Asian elephant breed? Are there half-breeds? The genetic differences however are so great that they actually cannot be interbred. The only known crossbreed between an African and an Asian elephant was born in the Chester zoo in 1978. The bull calf “Motty” died, despite intensive nursing care, two weeks after its…
How do you handle difficult patients or family members?
How do you handle difficult patients or family members? Focus on developing a therapeutic relationship with your patient’s family. Pull them aside and invite them to tell you everything they’re worried about. Be patient; the most important thing is to listen. Don’t become defensive, even if their points seem irrational or unjustified. How do nurses…
Can you test HIV positive after 3 weeks?
Can you test HIV positive after 3 weeks? This used to involve waiting 3 to 4 weeks before taking an HIV test (see Figure 6). However, 2020 UK guidelines now recommend waiting 6 weeks. This is because 4th generation HIV tests (antigen/antibody) will detect 99\% of infections at 6 weeks – compared to 95\% of…
What are the tools of Twitter?
What are the tools of Twitter? Twitter tools for analytics Twitter Analytics Dashboard. Every Twitter account has free access to the Twitter Analytics Dashboard. TweetReach. Use TweetReach to get a free snapshot of how your tweets are performing. Hootsuite Analytics. SocialRank. Twitonomy. Foller.me. Unmetric Inspire. Audiense. Which of these tools is used to manage Twitter?…
Which insurance policies do not have surrender value?
Which insurance policies do not have surrender value? A policy acquires surrender value only when premiums for full three years have been paid to the insurance company. Also, not all policies will acquire surrender value. Only policies such as ULIPs or endowment policies that have a savings component embedded will partially return the amount invested…
How do you type e on a keyboard?
How do you type é on a keyboard? é: Press Ctrl and type “‘” (apostrophe). Release both keys and type “e”. à-è-ù: Press Ctrl and type “`” key (left-hand side, top of the keyboard)….These accents are: L’accent aigu (é) L’accent grave (à, è, ù) L’accent circonflexe or “chapeau” (â, ê, î, ô, û) La cédille…
Are MBAs in demand in India?
Are MBAs in demand in India? According to survey respondents, demand for MBA graduates by the technology industry is anticipated to increase by 10 per cent in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic 2020. In fact, with 96 per cent of tech recruiters projecting to hire MBA graduates in 2021, the demand for management talents tops the…