What do Marines call their drill instructors? sir Drill instructors are referred to as “sir” or “ma’am” by recruits within the USAF, USMC, and USCG (for the first few weeks of basic training, until recruits are instructed to refer to their company commanders by their proper rank). Within the USN, recruits must refer to their…
Category: Blog
What to do when you disagree about having kids?
What to do when you disagree about having kids? Don’t talk about baby, talk about the process and how you need it to change. If it’s too difficult to talk about face-to-face, write it down and then follow up with a discussion, or get couple counseling. This is important to fix whether or not you…
How much would a real life X-Wing cost?
How much would a real life X-Wing cost? One previous owner, regular service from certified Alliance engineers, 1.5 million miles on the clock – yours for just $160,000 (£122,000). That’s how much a genuine X-Wing just sold for at an auction of film memorabilia by Profiles in History. How big is an X-Wing? X-wing fighter…
What are two pros of rent control?
What are two pros of rent control? The most obvious benefit! The lower prices of rent-controlled apartments make housing affordable to low- and moderate-income people. This is important because in expensive cities, workers’ wages often do not keep pace with rising rents. Prevents displacement. What is the benefit of rent control? Rent regulations help maintain…
What do you say to your girlfriend when shes upset?
What do you say to your girlfriend when shes upset? Be supportive, not dismissive. “I know that this must feel terrible right now. I’m so sorry.” “I can’t imagine how you feel. I know this can’t be easy.” “I’m sorry that you’re upset. Please let me know if I can do anything to make it…
Did Jedis sleep naked?
Did Jedis sleep naked? And when Anakin is sleeping in their shared quarters in Revenge of the Sith, he sleeps shirtless—but that’s a place he’s living in part-time, so it stands to reason that he’d have some more clothes there. Jedi sleep naked. What Star Wars planet is the Jedi Temple on? Coruscant Instantly recognizable…
Is GTA V free?
Is GTA V free? Playing GTA V online is free as long as you have purchased a copy of the game either from steam or from Rockstar themselves. In my experience there always seem to be lots of hackers on. Also tons of people complain about getting banned for hacking when they weren’t actually doing…
What books should I read to improve my French?
What books should I read to improve my French? The 8 Best Books To Learn French Le Petit Prince. What better way to start our list of books to learn French than with Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince). Le Petit Nicolas. Arsène Lupin, Gentleman cambrioleur. Astérix et Obélix. Tintin. L’élégance du hérisson. Le chat…
What does lucked out mean in USA?
What does lucked out mean in USA? Definition of luck out US, informal. : to have good luck We arrived late but we lucked out—there were still a few tickets left. Is lucked out lucky or unlucky? Q: Oh for luck’s sake. A: Indeed. The word “luck” has been around for six centuries, but it…
Can A-level be done after matriculation?
Can A-level be done after matriculation? Originally Answered: Can we do A-levels after Matric? Yeah, you can. As far as I know, Matric is equivalent to grades/classes 9–10, and A levels is equivalent to 11–12. What should I do after matriculation? If you have completed your STPM/A-Levels or an equivalent pre-university programme, you would most…