Why is my coolant disappearing? Disappearing engine coolant could be the result of a slightly cracked hose, a tiny hole in your radiator, or a water pump issue. It’s also possible for a coolant leak to develop inside your vehicle or to simply vaporize into mist via your defroster. Check the underside of your radiator…
Category: Blog
Which is best Quran or Bhagavad Gita?
Which is best Quran or Bhagavad Gita? In terms of knowledge, philosophy, theology and information about God and the soul, the Bhagavad Gita is far superior to any other scripture in the world. Is Geeta and Quran are same? Originally Answered: What is the difference between Quran and Bhagwat Geeta? The same difference as there…
Is engineering the best for future?
Is engineering the best for future? Engineering is filled with numerous job opportunities and prospects that are in high demand presently and in the future. As per a 2018 report by US Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 140,000 new jobs are expected in the field of engineering boosting the employment growth in 2016-26. Does engineering…
How does sauce thicken at the molecular level?
How does sauce thicken at the molecular level? Corn starch is used as a thickening agent in soups and liquid-based foods, such as sauces, gravies and custard. As the starch is heated, the molecular chains unravel, allowing them to collide with other starch chains to form a mesh, thickening the liquid. What is the process…
Why are judges appointed for life and not elected?
Why are judges appointed for life and not elected? All Justices are nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and hold their offices under life tenure. Since Justices do not have to run or campaign for re-election, they are thought to be insulated from political pressure when deciding cases. What does Article 3 Section…
Is Indian allowed in Pakistan?
Is Indian allowed in Pakistan? Indian passport holders are not granted tourist visas, and are only permitted to apply for visas to visit family and friends, business visas, transit visas, and visas for religious pilgrimage. Six month business visas are granted to Indian passport holders, with multiple entries permitted. Are India and Pakistan friends? India–Pakistan…
What do I do if I hate my husband?
What do I do if I hate my husband? These 12 tips can help you get the ball rolling on some introspection. First, know your feelings are entirely normal. Try to name what you really feel. Walk it off. Make sure you’re getting enough time apart. Pay attention to what’s going on with you. Explore…
Can pilots leave cockpit during flight?
Can pilots leave cockpit during flight? Yes, and they do to use the restroom or glad hand the passengers. However, at least one pilot must remain in the cockpit. Why are people not allowed in the cockpit? After 9/11, changes were made to the security of cockpits in an effort to make hijackings more difficult….
Who tried to control the Soviet government in an attempted coup detat in 1991?
Who tried to control the Soviet government in an attempted coup detat in 1991? The 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt, also known as the August Coup, was a failed attempt made by communist hard-liners of the Soviet Union to take control of the country from Mikhail Gorbachev, who was Soviet President and General Secretary of…
How do you inquire about photography?
How do you inquire about photography? If you are looking to inquire, the best way is to find your way to the photographer’s website. This helps save a step on your end and also on the photographer’s end and that we’re not just saying, “Hey, head to the website.” How do I ask a question…