Why do people with social anxiety isolate themselves? People with social anxiety may come to believe they are alone because they are inherently unlikeable. Social isolation also becomes emotional isolation, and a person has only their own worrisome thoughts to keep them company and help them process their challenges. These doubts and worries breed more…
Category: Blog
Why don t Rockets have dimples?
Why don t Rockets have dimples? Dimples aren’t used because wings are already streamlined. Dimples aren’t used because wings are already streamlined. However, actually there is something similar to dimples that are used on some airplane wings called vortex generators. Do dimples on a golf ball help reduce drag and increase the distance the ball…
Is open source better for security?
Is open source better for security? Open Source Software certainly does have the potential to be more secure than its closed source counterpart. But make no mistake, simply being open source is no guarantee of security. Open source software projects can be more secure than closed source projects. Why is open source good for security?…
Does Berkeley EECS require GRE?
Does Berkeley EECS require GRE? We do not have minimum GRE score requirements. However the average scores (meaning we accept higher and lower scores) of admitted applicants are in the 90th percentile for quantitative, 75th percentile for verbal, and 3.5+ for analytical. Does MIT grad school require GRE? Graduate Record Examination (GRE®) Most MIT departments…
Can you force yourself to forget things?
Can you force yourself to forget things? Obviously, not all memories go to the long-term stage; instead, your brain consolidates certain memories and discards others.In fact, previous research has shown that people can actually train themselves to forget things on purpose. Basically, you already forget some things on a daily basis, and that’s not a…
How much is a jizya tax?
How much is a jizya tax? For the rich it is 48 dirhams (silver coins) yearly, for the middle classes 24 dirhams and for the poor [who are able to pay] 12 dirhams. The Maliki position is that the Jizyah is 4 dinars (gold coins) yearly for the people who have gold and 40 dirhams…
How long should you use a weighted jump rope for?
How long should you use a weighted jump rope for? A weighted jump rope, which either incorporates extra weight into the handles or the rope itself, can actually help you hit your cardio goals and build muscle in one fell swoop….You should be jumping a little bit harder than your light pace. Jump at a…
Is demonetization good for India?
Is demonetization good for India? Reduced liability for the Govt. You can witness the move as a positive one as you have a number of fabulous benefits of demonetization. The move can reduce the risk and liability of handling liquid currency. It is always easier handling soft money as against hard money. How much black…
What age is too late to start basketball?
What age is too late to start basketball? It is never too late to play any sport – PERIOD. The same applies for basketball. If you are looking to start at 40, please do so. Or if its a younger age like 8–10 years old or in college when you’ve seen and are interested in…
How do you find the resonant frequency of a string?
How do you find the resonant frequency of a string? The lowest frequency is called the fundamental or first harmonic. For a string, higher frequencies are all multiples of the fundamental and are called harmonics or partials….10.1. 1: String Resonance. Harmonic number Wavelength Frequency f=v/λ n=1 λ1=2L f1=v/λ1 n=2 λ2=L=λ1/2 f2=v/λ2=2f1 b=3 λ3=23L=λ1/3 f3=v/λ3=3f1 n=4…