Why is season 7 of The Flash so bad? To say this season was disappointing is an understatement. It was boring, the writing was terrible and for the first time, many are calling for the show to be cancelled. The show had an 18 episode order instead of the usual 22/23. For many, this would…
Category: Blog
Which sport is the most strategic?
Which sport is the most strategic? American football is the most strategic sport, since every play is planned over and over again. It’s like a set play in football but the whole game has only set plays, thus a high level of planning is required. What takes more skill rugby or football? The competition is…
Was Mr Rochester tricked into marrying Bertha?
Was Mr Rochester tricked into marrying Bertha? In Brontë’s novel, Rochester has been duped into marrying Bertha, and she doesn’t seem to have wanted him either, but she is not entirely powerless. Jane’s been controlling her passions since her aunt locked her in the Red Room when she was small, but “intemperate and unchaste” Bertha…
What do you call a group of parrots?
What do you call a group of parrots? One last extra-special collective noun for a group of birds is also possibly the best of them all: a group of parrots is called a ‘pandemonium’. Parrots (in this case quite young parrots) have one of the finest collective nouns around: a ‘pandemonium’! What is the collective…
Do pushups and pullups work entire upper body?
Do pushups and pullups work entire upper body? How it works. When you do a pullup, you engage your lats, mid-back, rear delts, biceps, forearms, and core. Pushups train your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. So between these two movements, you’ve got the whole upper body covered. Do pull-ups work the whole back? Pull ups…
What activities can you do in the rain?
What activities can you do in the rain? 7 Fun Outdoor Activities To Do In The Rain Go on a rain hike. Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you can’t go on a hike! Play, with your feet. Most of us have jumped in some puddles in our lifetime. Make art. Find a new use…
What is a good clean eating snack?
What is a good clean eating snack? 20 clean eating snacks for people on the run Avocado dip with rice cakes or crackers. Apple with almond butter. Smashed avo on toast with savoury nutritional yeast. Sprouted salad. Hummus with rice cakes. No blender bliss balls. Coconut sacha inchi protein smoothie. Peanut butter on rice cakes….
Can you be good looking but not attractive?
Can you be good looking but not attractive? Yes, there’s a lot of difference between being good looking and being attractive, though some people do tend to think of them, and use them, as near synonyms. Being good looking depends solely on physical appearance, mainly facial, but general build and posture play a part too….
Is scamming illegal?
Is scamming illegal? Internet fraud is not considered a single, distinctive crime but covers a range of illegal and illicit actions that are committed in cyberspace. It is, however, differentiated from theft since, in this case, the victim voluntarily and knowingly provides the information, money or property to the perpetrator. What card game uses the…
Is meditation allowed in Orthodox Church?
Is meditation allowed in Orthodox Church? Meditation is part of Buddhism, which is a major religion. Orthodox Church wants to protect its people from influences of other religions, thus they are against any practice they might have i.e. meditation. What is the difference between Eastern and Western meditation? Summary: In Western tradition, meditation is linked…