What is the mercy of God all about? At its core, mercy is forgiveness. The Bible speaks of God’s love for sinners – that is, for all of us. But the Bible also relates mercy to other qualities beyond love and forgiveness. Is God’s mercy for everyone? The short answer is yes. Just like the…
Category: Advice
Is the Canon 600D still a good camera?
Is the Canon 600D still a good camera? Yes, a EOS 600D is very good. With 18 megapixels, and an articulated touch screen, the results will match current cameras for most purposes. It will produce poster sized prints, with Canon’s unrivaled color fidelity. Most of the lenses available for the APS-C format are excellent, most…
How can I slow down my oil consumption?
How can I slow down my oil consumption? Switching to a “high mileage” oil the next time you change oil may help reduce oil leaks and burning. Switching to a heavier viscosity motor oil may also help reduce oil consumption. Try moving up one viscosity grade the next time you change oil. What are the…
What is the cost of CA books?
What is the cost of CA books? Ca-CPT Books at Rs 300/piece(s) | Account Books | ID: 12875465388. What is the total fees of CA Final? The examination fee or application fee of CA Final is ₹ 3500/- for both groups and ₹ 1800/- is for a single group. The Final examination fee for students…
How can I get a job after ICWA?
How can I get a job after ICWA? Once you have completed the ICWA course, you can start up your career as a Cost Accountant”. ICWA degree holders are highly demanded in the government sector, private enterprises, development agencies, banking & finance sector, education and training sectors. Does Attempt matter in CMA? The attempts do…
What is the best engineering subject?
What is the best engineering subject? List of Top 5 Engineering Courses in India Computer Science Engineering. Aeronautical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Biotech Engineering. Which is the most Favourite subject of students? Mathematics was the most popular subject overall, selected by 38\% of respondents worldwide and by 37\% of respondents included in…
Where did Elon Musk get the money for SpaceX?
Where did Elon Musk get the money for SpaceX? Musk used much of the proceeds of his PayPal sale to found Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, commonly known as SpaceX, an interstellar travel company. By his own account, Musk spent $100 million to found SpaceX in 2002. How did Elon Musk get funding for Tesla? Musk’s…
What should a follow up email say about sales?
What should a follow up email say about sales? What Should I Write In a Follow Up Email? Open with a strong subject line. Get to the point quickly and don’t waste the prospect’s time. Personalize as much as you practically can. Offer something of value. Be clear about what you want from the prospect….
Why don t orcas attack humans in the wild?
Why don t orcas attack humans in the wild? There are a few theories about why orcas don’t attack humans in the wild, but they generally come down to the idea that orcas are fussy eaters and only tend to sample what their mothers teach them is safe. Since humans would never have qualified as…
Can you transfer games from Wii U to switch?
Can you transfer games from Wii U to switch? No. Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games purchased through Nintendo eShop do not carry over to Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo Switch is an all-new way to play, and does not include backwards compatibility with digital or physical games designed for other systems. Is the Wii U…