Why does the score in tennis go from 30 to 40? Tennis scores were shown in the middle ages on two clock faces which went from 0 to 60. On each score the pointer moved round a quarter from 0 to 15, 30, 45 and a win on 60. Somehow the forty five got truncated…
Category: Advice
Why are rhymes used in songs?
Why are rhymes used in songs? Rhyme, along with meter, helps make a poem musical. In traditional poetry, a regular rhyme aids the memory for recitation and gives predictable pleasure. A pattern of rhyme, called a scheme, also helps establish the form. Why do we like songs that rhyme? Rhyming plays a huge part in…
How much kaolin clay Do I add to cold process soap?
How much kaolin clay Do I add to cold process soap? Clay should be mixed with water before adding to cold process soap. Mixing well before adding to soap will help prevent clumps or streaks. Mix 1 part clay to 1 part water until fully saturated then add the mixture to your soap. How much…
What is recycled sculpture?
What is recycled sculpture? Recycled art is creative work that’s made from discarded materials that once had another purpose. Artists who make recycled art take those materials and make them into something new. What is it called when an artist uses recycled materials? It is also referred to as trash art. This kind of understanding…
What are three ways that brain plasticity changes your brain?
What are three ways that brain plasticity changes your brain? Brain Plasticity: How learning changes your brain At the beginning of life: when the immature brain organizes itself. In case of brain injury: to compensate for lost functions or maximize remaining functions. Through adulthood: whenever something new is learned and memorized. Which of the following…
Is it worth seeing a nutritionist for weight loss?
Is it worth seeing a nutritionist for weight loss? Many people find medical nutrition therapy helpful for weight loss. Your dietitian will tell you how many calories to eat per day to lose weight steadily and safely. He or she can help you plan a healthy, nutritious diet. This can help you make positive lifestyle…
Can we do Honours in IGNOU?
Can we do Honours in IGNOU? While each of the Ability and Skill Enhancement is of four credit weightage, all other courses of this programme are six credit courses. The BA Honours programme is on offered in English and Hindi. The student has to opt for a particular medium of study while applying for admission…
What are the problems faced by NGOs?
What are the problems faced by NGOs? 4 Challenges NGOs Face and Corresponding Solutions Lack of Funds. An NGOs goal doesn’t lie on accomplishing a project alone. No Strategic Planning. At times, many bright ideas can come to place but it can also cause confusions and stray you away from the initial goal. Absence of…
How long will photos last on a flash drive?
How long will photos last on a flash drive? Memory cards and USB drives are NOT designed for long term storage. You should always backup your data on to another device. The data will normally stay valid for a period of up to 10 years if stored under normal conditions. The data cells inside carry…
Does USB 3.1 work with Quest?
Does USB 3.1 work with Quest? USB 3.1 10Gbps high-speed transmission. Data Transfer connects Oculus Quest headset to a gaming PC so you can play a wide range of Oculus Rift apps and games. 【Why you need it】When you use it, you are no longer limited to Oculus Quest’s fixed application games. Using it to…