Who overthrew the Chaldeans? Who overthrew the Chaldeans? A native Babylonian king named Nabonassar (748–734 BCE) defeated and overthrew the Chaldean usurpers in 748 BCE, restored indigenous rule, and successfully stabilised Babylonia. The Chaldeans once more faded into obscurity for the next three decades. How did the Chaldean Empire fall? Belshazzar never became king and…
Category: Advice
Why did you enter the teaching profession?
Why did you enter the teaching profession? Many teachers discover that their love of children draws them to teaching, or that their own love of learning makes them passionate about teaching. Some teachers enter the profession because they’re eager to make a difference—people tend to remember their teachers for an entire lifetime, long after school…
Does withdrawing from a class look bad for grad school?
Does withdrawing from a class look bad for grad school? If you withdraw from a course during an otherwise “normal” semester, most people judging your transcript from the perspective of graduate school admissions will assume that you were not doing well in the course. If you later complete the course with a good grade (A…
What do I do if my app idea exists?
What do I do if my app idea exists? What You Should Do if Your App Idea Already Exists Build a Superior Product. If your app is already in the App Store, the best way to overcome your competition is to simply build a better product. Carve Out a Niche. Execute Better. Conclusion. What makes…
When feather appear angels are near?
When feather appear angels are near? The feather is the enduring symbol across many cultures, it represents the connection to the spiritual world. Hence the popular saying, when feathers appear, angels are near. Many believe that if a feather crosses your path then its your angel telling you that your loved ones who are in…
Should INTJs have kids?
Should INTJs have kids? Logicians (INTP) and Architects (INTJ) were among the least likely personality types to want children, with 60\% each agreeing. As a result, they are less likely than many other types – particularly Feeling types – to experience a strong instinctual pull to have a child. Do INTJs make good moms? She…
Why do dogs lick their nose when you scratch their back?
Why do dogs lick their nose when you scratch their back? Dogs with itchy skin or external parasites, like fleas, will usually lick, bite, or scratch at their skin to relieve the itch. However, if a dog has been scolded for licking, or they can’t quite reach the itchy spot due to obesity and/or arthritis,…
When did Sauron lose his Ring?
When did Sauron lose his Ring? Whilst Sauron waged the War of the Ring against the Free peoples of Middle-earth, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee and Gollum reached Mount Doom on 25 March T.A. 3019, and the Ring was destroyed. How did Sauron lose to Isildur? He directly fought Gil-Galad and Elendil and killed them in…
What is catchment area hydrology?
What is catchment area hydrology? 1 WATERSHED HYDROLOGY. A watershed (catchment or drainage basin) is an area of land where all of the precipitation that falls, less the water lost to evaporation and deep aquifer recharge, eventually flows to a single outlet. What is the catchment area of a river? In geography, the catchment area…
Can my ex be happy in his new relationship?
Can my ex be happy in his new relationship? The truth is, if your ex hasn’t resolved their issues, the happiness they’re showing now is temporary. If they need to change in some way in order to know what it means to be part of a healthy relationship, only they can do that. Why does…