Do indoor cats need sunlight? Cats do not technically require sunlight to survive. Cats do not obtain their vitamin D from direct sunlight exposure as humans do and cats can cover their requirements through their diet. Sunlight helps a cat regulate their body temperature and they find sunlight exposure to be relaxing and soothing. What…
Category: Advice
Is Idris Elba a Cockney?
Is Idris Elba a Cockney? Idrissa Akuna Elba was born on 6 September 1972 in the London Borough of Hackney, to Winston Elba, a Sierra Leonean Creole man who worked at the Ford Dagenham plant, and Eve, a Ghanaian woman. Elba’s parents were married in Sierra Leone and later moved to London. Where is Idris…
What does the Garden of Eden symbolize in Genesis?
What does the Garden of Eden symbolize in Genesis? The Garden of Eden as found in Genesis 2 and 3 means “the garden of delight or pleasure”. It is also a place that is “well-watered throughout”. This garden is a symbol of prison house made by Jehovah for man. It is a place where there…
Which mirror is used in DSLR camera?
Which mirror is used in DSLR camera? A DSLR camera works by use of a reflex mirror (or prism) that reflects light into the optical viewfinder, allowing the photographer to capture the image they’re seeing in front of them. Light passes through the lens and is reflected off a mirror or prism inside the camera…
How does shift allowance work?
How does shift allowance work? Shift allowances are pensionable payments which compensate employees in the Operations and Facilities (O&F) Job Family at Levels 1 and 2 who work regular shift patterns. Shift 24/7 is a shift pattern which rotates to cover 24 hours, 7 days per week. The allowance amount may change from time-to-time. What…
Is Germany good to study supply chain management?
Is Germany good to study supply chain management? MBA in supply chain management in Germany do not carry a higher price tag than any other degree. There are plenty of opportunities to travel abroad, which makes this the perfect opportunity for those hoping to take a step into the international world of business. Is KEDGE…
How are thermal equilibrium and temperature related?
How are thermal equilibrium and temperature related? Heat is the flow of energy from a high temperature to a low temperature. When these temperatures balance out, heat stops flowing, then the system (or set of systems) is said to be in thermal equilibrium. Thermal equilibrium also implies that there’s no matter flowing into or out…
Why do I feel like I know the future?
Why do I feel like I know the future? Following a traumatic event, a person may develop a sense of a foreshortened future, which is currently considered an avoidance symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People who experience this symptom feel as though their life will somehow be cut short without any real explanation as…
Why do I still have my canine teeth?
Why do I still have my canine teeth? In other meat-eating animals, canines are referred to as cuspids, fangs, or eye-teeth. Although our diets have certainly evolved from that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, modern humans still use canine teeth to grip and tear food, just like our ancestors did. Does an impacted canine tooth need…
Who overthrew the Chaldeans?
Who overthrew the Chaldeans? Who overthrew the Chaldeans? A native Babylonian king named Nabonassar (748–734 BCE) defeated and overthrew the Chaldean usurpers in 748 BCE, restored indigenous rule, and successfully stabilised Babylonia. The Chaldeans once more faded into obscurity for the next three decades. How did the Chaldean Empire fall? Belshazzar never became king and…