How do you overcome shame and humiliation? Here are 8 bold ways to bounce back when shame or humiliation bring you down. Recognize your personal shame response and identify your triggers. Reach out to someone you trust. Get a bear hug. Repeat a mantra to yourself. Create and practice a “shame recovery” ritual. Create a…
Category: Advice
How do you control thrust in a rocket?
How do you control thrust in a rocket? Most modern rockets rotate, or gimbal, the nozzle to produce the control torque. In a gimbaled thrust system, the exhaust nozzle of the rocket can be swiveled from side to side. As the nozzle is moved, the direction of the thrust is changed relative to the center…
Is AP Psychology easier than environmental science?
Is AP Psychology easier than environmental science? Psychology is mostly memorization and only has two free-response questions on the test. (Compare that to AP Chemistry, which has seven.) Environmental Science is conceptually easier to understand than Physics, Biology, or Chemistry for most students. Is it easy to self study for AP Environmental Science? AP Environmental…
Why is Big Hero 6 called that?
Why is Big Hero 6 called that? The usage of cool is common enough and part of Japanese officialese. Despite what is lost and gained in translation, “Big Hero 6” is an affectionate tribute to the Japanese love of cuteness and provides us with a non-Caucasian hero leading a multicultural group in which even women…
Which is better to drink first wine or beer?
Which is better to drink first wine or beer? It’s the amount of alcohol, not the order in which you drink, researchers say. If you drink beer before switching to wine, you’ll be fine. But if you drink in reverse, preferring your vino first, you may not feel so great. That’s how the alcohol-fueled axiom…
What makes some materials float on water?
What makes some materials float on water? Objects with tightly packed molecules are more dense than those where the molecules are spread out. Density plays a part in why some things float and some sink. Objects that are more dense than water sink and those less dense float. Hollow things often float too as air…
Why are elementary schools small?
Why are elementary schools small? Elementary schools teach very young children. Teachers can only handle so many of them at a time. So, there are fewer children per class. You can only control so many small children in one place, so the schools themselves are relatively small. Why are smaller schools better than larger schools?…
Can two albino parents have a normal child?
Can two albino parents have a normal child? Not necessarily. There are different types of albinism that affect several different genes. If two people with the same type of albinism reproduce, all of their children will have albinism. If two people with two different types of albinism have children, NONE of their children will have…
Can adultery affect the outcome of a divorce settlement?
Can adultery affect the outcome of a divorce settlement? Could adultery affect my financial settlement? It may surprise you to learn that the short answer to this question is ‘no’. When someone files for divorce on the grounds of adultery they may feel that, as the ‘injured party’, they should receive a more generous financial…
How did the Internet get its start?
How did the Internet get its start? Sharing Resources. The Internet started in the 1960s as a way for government researchers to share information. This eventually led to the formation of the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), the network that ultimately evolved into what we now know as the Internet. Why is it that…