Where did the word dilemma come from? The word is recorded from the early 16th century, denoting a form of argument involving a choice between equally unfavourable alternatives; it comes via Latin from Greek dilēmma, from di- ‘twice’ + lēmma ‘premise’. What is the actual meaning of dilemma? : a situation in which a person…
Category: Advice
How do I not use 5G?
How do I not use 5G? Step 1: Go to Settings > Connections. Step 2: Tap on Mobile Networks. Step 3: Tap on Network Mode. Step 4: Select LTE/3G/2G (Auto), LTE/CDMA, or one of the other 4G/LTE options to prevent the phone from using 5G. What are the disadvantages of 5G network? 6 Disadvantages of…
What makes it sometimes difficult to understand native speakers of a language?
What makes it sometimes difficult to understand native speakers of a language? Lack of Overall Knowledge. Naturally, one of the main reasons why you may not understand native speakers is that you simply don’t know enough of the words. It can be hard sometimes to know if you didn’t understand something because it was said…
Is biometric authentication the future?
Is biometric authentication the future? Biometric Authentication Is the Future And although authentication using biometric characteristics is far more secure than relying on passwords alone, it’s also far from impenetrable. So companies have to stay ahead of the curve to ensure security. Why biometrics are the future? Biometric technologies are rapidly becoming a part of…
What was the importance of Descartes statement I think therefore I am?
What was the importance of Descartes statement I think therefore I am? cogito, ergo sum, (Latin: “I think, therefore I am) dictum coined by the French philosopher René Descartes in his Discourse on Method (1637) as a first step in demonstrating the attainability of certain knowledge. It is the only statement to survive the test…
Why do we use Markov models?
Why do we use Markov models? Markov models are often used to model the probabilities of different states and the rates of transitions among them. The method is generally used to model systems. Markov models can also be used to recognize patterns, make predictions and to learn the statistics of sequential data. Why are Markov…
Why is war romanticized?
Why is war romanticized? A lot of the time they depict war as a civil conflict between two nations where the most honorable or best dressed comes out on top. War is hell. It always has been. The romanticized idea of war is that war is glorious and that if you go into the military…
How do you calculate total cost of an employee in Canada?
How do you calculate total cost of an employee in Canada? To estimate your annual contribution when hiring a new employee, multiply their salary by 0.0162 and multiply the result by 1.4. Note that you only pay EI premiums on earnings less than $51,300. If you pay your employee more than this amount, your maximum…
What is the difference between Allah and the Christian God?
What is the difference between Allah and the Christian God? Allah promises deliverance to followers who do good deeds as outlined in their holy book the Koran. Christians worship three incarnations of God that is known as the Holy Trinity; the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Muslims know only of one Supreme Being…
How do you manage business leads?
How do you manage business leads? 6 Steps to Implementing an Effective Lead Management Process Step 1: Identify and Understand Your Leads. Step 2: Generate & Collect Intelligence About Your Leads. Step 3: Score Your Leads. Step 4: Nurture Your Leads. Step 5: Pass Off Your Leads to Sales. Step 6: Track and Measure Your…