Should you take home loan even if you have money? Experts believe that even if you have the sums to purchase the property in one go, it is better to take a home loan. Instead of spending a lump sum amount on the property, it is better to go for a large amount down-payment and…
Category: Advice
What does Rosh Hashanah literally mean?
What does Rosh Hashanah literally mean? head of the year Rosh Hashanah ushers in the beginning of the Jewish year and is a holiday that celebrates the creation of the world, something that’s reflected in its name, which means “head of the year” in Hebrew. What happens during the Rosh Hashanah? Rosh Hashanah commemorates the…
How often do extension cords catch fire?
How often do extension cords catch fire? Roughly 3,300 home fires originate in extension cords each year, killing 50 people and injuring 270 more. Extension cords can overheat and cause fires when used improperly, so keep these important tips in mind to protect your home and workplace. Is it dangerous to leave an extension cord…
How does Amazon do their deliveries?
How does Amazon do their deliveries? It all starts in Amazon’s fulfilment centres, where products come in on lorries and travel inside on conveyor belts, beginning their journey to you. Once labelled, the box is sent to a waiting lorry based on shipping method, speed of delivery, and location. Does Amazon ship by air? In…
How safe is whey protein supplement?
How safe is whey protein supplement? Whey protein is safe and many people can take it without adverse effects. However, it may cause digestive symptoms in those with lactose intolerance, and those allergic to cow’s milk may be allergic to it. If you experience side effects, try a whey protein isolate or non-dairy protein alternative….
Which engineering is best for private job?
Which engineering is best for private job? Top 10 highest paying engineering jobs in India for 2021 Computer science and engineering. Petroleum engineering. Electrical engineering. Nuclear engineering: Mechanical engineering. Aerospace engineering. Civil engineering. Electronics and communication engineering. How can I get job after Btech in mechanical engineering? Through good rank in GATE you can get…
How does the US education system differ from other countries?
How does the US education system differ from other countries? The United States puts heavy emphasis on decentralization and delineation between public and private options, while most other countries have private or religious schools that can receive public funds and have nationally-mandated exams, curricula, and teacher pay scales. Is education different in other countries? Summary….
What can a satellite see from space?
What can a satellite see from space? So the detail visible in a satellite image all depends on the mission of each satellite and the scale of its observations. A few non-military satellites can see objects down to about half the size of a car. Some military satellites can still see even smaller things. Can…
What percentile IQ is 134?
What percentile IQ is 134? IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart IQ 15 SD Percentile Rarity: 1/X 134 98.8294737819\% 85 133 98.6096601092\% 72 IQ 15 SD Percentile Rarity: 1/X 132 98.3551363216\% 61 How common is 135 IQ? A normal intelligence quotient (IQ) ranges from 85 to 115 (According to the Stanford-Binet scale). Only approximately 1\% of…
Do Android apps use HTML and CSS?
Do Android apps use HTML and CSS? Technically speaking, mobile apps in Android, iOS, and Windows Phone are built using completely different programming languages; an Android app uses Java, an iOS app uses Objective-C, while a Windows Phone app uses . But now, anyone with a decent knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can build…