Why did Native Americans not use wheels? They just did not adapt it to transportation as in other parts of the world. The main theory is because the best thing they had to pull a cart was a medium to large dog. Bison and Elk did not domesticate well. It the Natives had horses or…
Category: Advice
What kind of magic do elves have LoTR?
What kind of magic do elves have LoTR? They possess many gifts that humans would not have: High Elves had the ability to see creatures of shadow, like the Nazgûl, and they (especially the Noldor) also are considerably more powerful than any other Elf-kind because the light of Valinor is within them. What powers did…
Why do egg yolks turn pink?
Why do egg yolks turn pink? Pink or pearly egg white (albumen) indicates spoilage due to Pseudomonas bacteria. Some of these microorganisms — which produce a greenish, fluorescent, water-soluble pigment — are harmful to humans. The color of yolk varies in shades of yellow depending upon the diet of the hen. What is the real…
Who is Levi Strauss anthropology?
Who is Levi Strauss anthropology? Claude Lévi-Strauss, (born November 28, 1908, Brussels, Belgium—died October 30, 2009, Paris, France), French social anthropologist and leading exponent of structuralism, a name applied to the analysis of cultural systems (e.g., kinship and mythical systems) in terms of the structural relations among their elements. What is the key concept developed…
Do Jews go to synagogue on Saturday or Sunday?
Do Jews go to synagogue on Saturday or Sunday? Many Jews attend synagogue services on Shabbat even if they do not do so during the week. Services are held on Shabbat eve (Friday night), Shabbat morning (Saturday morning), and late Shabbat afternoon (Saturday afternoon). Why do SDA go to church on Saturday? Unlike most other…
How can I learn math perfectly?
How can I learn math perfectly? 6 Effective Tips to Study Maths Practice as much as you can. Maths is a hands on subject. Start by solving examples. Don’t start by solving complex problems. Clear all your doubts. It’s easy to get stuck at a doubt in Maths. Note down all formulae. Understand the derivation….
Why does emf induce lags in the flux by 90 degrees in a transformer?
Why does emf induce lags in the flux by 90 degrees in a transformer? Originally Answered: Why does EMF induce lagging in the flux by 90 degrees in the transformer? According to faraday laws of Electro magnetism emf will be equal to negative of rate of change of flex. So if u consider flux as…
Can BSC student give CAT exam?
Can BSC student give CAT exam? Yes you are eligible to attend CAT exam. Who are eligible for CAT exam? Common Admission Test Acronym CAT Languages English Annual number of test takers 244,000 in 2019 Prerequisites / eligibility criteria Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with at least 50 \% marks or equivalent GPA (45 \% in…
What do you say when someone texts you from an unknown number?
What do you say when someone texts you from an unknown number? Just be straightforward. Tell them you don’t recognize their number and explain why (even if you should have it). For some of my situations I like to say: Hey! Should I respond to a text from a number I don’t know? If you…
What software is used in colleges?
What software is used in colleges? Standard software that is installed on college computers. This might include operating systems (e.g., Microsoft Windows), Microsoft Office, programming tools (e.g., Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse), Adobe Acrobat, the Java Virtual Machine and other packages that might be useful for teaching and classroom use. What is the best school management…