What animals can generate electricity? Animals That Produce Deadly Electricity Electric Eel. Electric Catfish. The electric catfish are catfish of the family Malapteruridae, that has two genera and 19 species. Northern Stargazer. Close up of a Northern Stargazer fish. Electric Rays. Electric ray fish in ocean. Black Ghost Knifefish. Black Ghost Knifefish. What do electric…
Category: Advice
How did the studio system change the movie industry?
How did the studio system change the movie industry? Studios owned their own movie theaters (which would play their movies). Studios offered independent theaters a block set of films (known as “block booking”), containing desirable movies mixed with unwanted ones. Everyone from actors to directors were paid a salary instead of “per film,” along with…
What vegetables are carcinogenic?
What vegetables are carcinogenic? Broccoli, apples, onions, oranges, strawberries, lemons and mushrooms all contain acetaldehyde, a natural by-product of oxidation and a known human carcinogen. If you close your eyes you can practically taste it. What is the most powerful carcinogen? Experimental Evidence: Carcinogenicity. Aflatoxin B1 is the most potent hepatocarcinogen known, being about 1,000…
Do professors have access to student address?
Do professors have access to student address? Yes, they have access to your school file and everything that is in it. The address in the file is there to verify that you actually live in that school district. Do professors know students by name? Some entry level courses are auditorium-style classes with hundreds of students….
Do they dance salsa in Spain?
Do they dance salsa in Spain? Barcelona, Spain It seems like natural that Latin dance forms would be popular in Spain, and Barcelona leads the way in salsa-friendly clubs. What countries listen to salsa music? From New York salsa quickly expanded to Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, and other Latin countries,…
How do you overcome hesitation in speaking?
How do you overcome hesitation in speaking? These steps may help: Know your topic. Get organized. Practice, and then practice some more. Challenge specific worries. Visualize your success. Do some deep breathing. Focus on your material, not on your audience. Don’t fear a moment of silence. How can I speak flawless English? 7 tips on…
What is the goal of Eren Yeager?
What is the goal of Eren Yeager? Eren grappled with the dilemma of balancing what it means to revenge for his people’s mistreatment as well as his people’s hand in initiating the matter in the first place. Thus, his ultimate goal is to harvest the power of the Founding Titan to sterilize all Subjects of…
Why did Madison think in 1787 that a new Constitution was necessary?
Why did Madison think in 1787 that a new Constitution was necessary? When James Madison and the other 56 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May 1787, they intended to amend the Articles of Confederation. Madison argued strongly for a strong central government that would unify the country. Why were Hamilton Madison…
Why does Smeagol help Frodo?
Why does Smeagol help Frodo? Gollum has a split personality. Part of him helps frodo because he knows that an opportunity may come to get the ring back. Then he wants to make sure that sauron doesn’t get the ring back. He can do this by ensuring that frodo is protected. Why did Frodo like…
Can you store raw eggs in Tupperware?
Can you store raw eggs in Tupperware? You can store eggs in Tupperware if you plan on freezing them. Freezing eggs is a brilliant way to prevent contamination from foreign flavors and keep your eggs fresh for months. Lidded Tupperware provides an airtight environment that prevents moisture from seeping into the beaten eggs. Can I…