How long did Rome take to build? 1,229 years So, according to the dates offered by ancient historians, it took 1,229 years to build Rome by counting from its founding until its collapse. However, the ancient city actually saw its population max out at one half to one million people in the second century A.D.,…
Category: Advice
Can I write my will on a napkin?
Can I write my will on a napkin? So the answer is yes, you can write your will on a napkin—it probably just won’t be distributed the way you truly want it to. To ensure that your Last Will & Testament is carried out to the letter, it’s best to enlist the help of a…
What do you think is the difference of the education here in the Philippines to other countries?
What do you think is the difference of the education here in the Philippines to other countries? In short, schools in the Philippines have stricter management than of the United States. In the Philippines, every grade level is divided from each other and students from the same grade levels are divided into sections based on…
What is the most secure cold storage wallet?
What is the most secure cold storage wallet? For crypto investors who want a cold storage wallet with the highest possible level of security, the Trezor Model T may be the best choice. The Model T is pricey at $190, but it features some key updates to Trezor’s popular first-generation Trezor One wallet. Are cold…
What is clarifying in active listening?
What is clarifying in active listening? Clarifying is checking understanding of a message by asking to hear it again or asking for more information and details. In clarifying you help to spell out the communication of the speaker. This encourages both of you to consider the meaning and impact of words or actions. What are…
Can Rock Lee reach 8 gates?
Can Rock Lee reach 8 gates? Rock Lee, Guy’s student, was taught how to open some of the Eight Gates by Guy. During Part I, he’s able to open the first five gates. By Part II, he’s able to open the sixth gate. By adulthood, Lee had mastered all eight gates. How many gates can…
Does whey protein mess up your stomach?
Does whey protein mess up your stomach? Most of whey protein’s side effects are related to digestion. Some people have problems digesting whey protein and experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, stomach cramps and diarrhea (5). But most of these side effects are related to lactose intolerance. Lactose is the main carb in whey protein….
How many credits do I need to increase GPA?
How many credits do I need to increase GPA? The fewer credit hours you have earned, the easier it will be to raise your GPA. If you have a 3.0 GPA and 15 credit hours, by earning straight A’s during your next (15 credit) semester, you can bump your GPA to a 3.5. What’s considered…
What is the meaning of what you want from me?
What is the meaning of what you want from me? “What do you want from me?” implies that the other person is seeking to gain something from you – money, information, some kind of relationship. How do you respond to good now that I’m talking to you? How Do You Respond To It Was Nice…
Do all Icelandic names end in son or dottir?
Do all Icelandic names end in son or dóttir? The last name of a male Icelanders therefore usually ends in the suffix -son (“son”) and that of female Icelanders in -dóttir (“daughter”). For example, Iceland’s current president is Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, his first name is Ólafur Ragnar and his father’s first name was Grímur. How…