How much is a TIN number in Uganda? The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a 10-digit number that works as your identity when meeting tax obligations. Like a bank account number, the TIN acts as an account number for a taxpayer with URA. It is issued at every URA service center using the authority’s online…
Category: Advice
What is fake news and politics on social media?
What is fake news and politics on social media? The truth behind fake news and politics on social media. Fake news, hate speech and misinformation is creeping through all social media platforms. With more and more people relying on social media for as a source for news, there are worries that such content could influence…
How did Harry become a Horcrux without the spell?
How did Harry become a Horcrux without the spell? Harry Potter became a Horcrux when the love from his mother protected him from Lord Voldemort’s curse. Instead of killing Harry the curse backfired and destroyed Voldemort’s body and all his power. In the course of this battle, Voldemort accidentally gave part of his powers to…
How much capital do you need to make a living day trading?
How much capital do you need to make a living day trading? For day traders in the U.S., the legal minimum balance required to day trade stocks is $25,000. If the balance drops below that level, day trading isn’t allowed until a deposit is made bringing the balance above $25,000. What is the fastest way…
What are the advantages of integration as in the case of European Union?
What are the advantages of integration as in the case of European Union? The benefits from integration are multidimensional: political, economical and cultural, while the EU entrance is not considered to be without costs; for example, expenses related to the adoption of all EU norms and standards by enterprises, threatens to domestic producers’ market position,…
What should you never say to an Italian?
What should you never say to an Italian? Top 18 Things You Should NEVER Say to an Italian Woman Relax. Let’s go to Olive Garden. Lower your voice. I don’t want to be around your family. Pick me up for dinner. Calm down. Let’s meet for an “eXpresso” I hope you don’t mind I left…
Is Bulgaria a good place to move to?
Is Bulgaria a good place to move to? Bulgaria is a pretty safe country and, in fact, one of the most peaceful and safe countries in the world. It’s a nation of friendly people and low levels of violent crime. Can foreigners live in Bulgaria? Expats who move to Bulgaria have a wide variety of…
How did Star Trek Save the whales?
How did Star Trek Save the whales? In 1986, humpback whales really were on the endangered species list. In the movie’s final scenes, Kirk puts his stolen Klingon spaceship directly between a whaler’s harpoon and Spock’s new whale friends, saving them from humanity. For an audience unaware of environmental activism, it was a wake-up call….
How do I mute and unmute my Roku?
How do I mute and unmute my Roku? Make sure the volume level is not set to zero (0) or mute. Using the remote, press the volume up button to increase the volume level of the TV or press the Mute button to unmute the TV. The volume buttons can be found on the right…
Why do college professors assign so much homework?
Why do college professors assign so much homework? College professors give assignments to help students learn the material. Keep in mind that professors have to grade those assignments so they are not out to “punish” students by giving excessive assignments. Many professors provide a variety of assignments because not all students learn the same. Why…