What is difference between uniform and non uniform acceleration? Uniform acceleration is the change of equal velocity in equal interval of time. Non uniform acceleration is the change of unequal velocity in equal interval of time. What is difference between acceleration and uniform acceleration? Translation: If an object’s speed (velocity) is increasing at a constant…
Category: Advice
Is Anata disrespectful?
Is Anata disrespectful? When Japanese people explicitly state “you” in their sentences, it’s proper to use the person’s name and attach a suffix. You are probably already familiar with “~san”, which is a polite suffix. If you use “anata” with someone who you know, it is rude. Is it okay to use Anata? It is…
Is Mnlu a good college?
Is Mnlu a good college? NLUD is nearly 10 years younger than NALSAR, NUJS, NLUJ and NLIU, yet it has been ranked ahead of these colleges in NIRF rankings for 3 years in a row. In CLAT preference rankings MNLU did well overnight because of advice from some CLAT coaches. MNLU has also been given…
Are French and Italian accents the same?
Are French and Italian accents the same? So how different are French and Italian? The lexical similarity between French and Italian is around 85-90\%. That means that almost 9/10s of the two languages’ words are similar but does not mean that they are necessarily mutually intelligible to native speakers due to big differences in pronunciation…
What was the purpose of gargoyles in medieval architecture?
What was the purpose of gargoyles in medieval architecture? The precise purpose of gargoyles was to act as a spout to convey water from the upper part of a building or roof gutter and away from the side of walls or foundations, thereby helping to prevent water from causing damage to masonry and mortar. What…
What order do the strings go in?
What order do the strings go in? So, on a typical six-string guitar, the numerical string order goes like this: E – 1st string. B – 2nd string. G – 3rd string. D – 4th string. A – 5th string. E – 6th string. How do you tune a 12 string step down? If you…
Can I use Microsoft Word to write a novel?
Can I use Microsoft Word to write a novel? One of the benefits of using Microsoft Word to make books is that Word’s pages are, by default, set up for auto flow. You don’t have to connect pages or text boxes – just let your writing flow from your brain to the keyboard and onto…
How much does it cost to re align tires?
How much does it cost to re align tires? A single alignment just checks one set of wheels. This will generally cost between $50 – $100 at most mechanics. A full alignment checks both sets of wheels. You should expect this to cost between $150 – $200 at most mechanics. Do I really need a…
Can you snore during surgery?
Can you snore during surgery? Conclusion: Snoring during local anesthesia with intravenous sedation predicts a high likelihood of sudden patient movement during local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. The use of continuous infusion propofol anesthetic may increase the chance of head movement. Do you always get breathing tubes with anesthesia? During any surgery that requires general…
Are Argonians better than Khajiit?
Are Argonians better than Khajiit? They both have bonuses to pickpocket and lockpicking, though Argonians have the highest lockpicking bonus of any race. Argonians have restoration magic to heal and prevent damage, Khajiit have alchemy to heal, poison, and create buffs. Why Argonians are the best? In addition to their roguish abilities, Argonians also have…