Can numbness in fingers be caused by heart problems? Heart attack Share on Pinterest A heart attack may cause tingling and numbness in one hand. If a person is experiencing a suspected heart attack, they or someone near them should seek emergency medical help. Can nicotine affect your fingers? Nicotine may cause permanent damage to…
Category: Advice
Is anime respected in Japan?
Is anime respected in Japan? In short words, it’s community is popular, but it is not mainstream and is not respected amongst the general population. Those who say anime is everywhere in Japan only go to popular cities for foreigners as they cater to foreigners. Is watching anime weird in Japan? Anime is not at…
What are genetic issues that affect pregnancy?
What are genetic issues that affect pregnancy? Examples include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, hemophilia, and Marfan syndrome. Chromosomal abnormalities occur where there are missing or extra chromosomes, or pieces of chromosomes. How do genetics affect a baby? You can pass gene changes to your children. Sometimes a gene change can cause health…
Is Zurich more expensive than Amsterdam?
Is Zurich more expensive than Amsterdam? Cost of living in Zurich (Switzerland) is 32\% more expensive than in Amsterdam (Netherlands) Is Zurich worth visiting? Is Zurich worth visiting? Absolutely! Though Zurich is one of the more expensive cities to visit in Europe, it’s also one of the most beautiful. The views alone – of the…
Why Web caching is used in HTTP?
Why Web caching is used in HTTP? Web caches reduce latency and network traffic and thus lessen the time needed to display resource representations. HTTP caching makes Web sites more responsive. What is caching in web development? Caching is the term for storing reusable responses in order to make subsequent requests faster. Web caching is…
Do I need to speak Swedish to study in Sweden?
Do I need to speak Swedish to study in Sweden? Do you need to know or speak any Swedish? No, you don’t need to! Swedish people are among the most proficient English-speakers in Europe: If you speak English, you will have absolutely no trouble communicating with locals in Sweden. In fact, many Swedes will be…
What religion has the most suicide rate?
What religion has the most suicide rate? Religion. Compared with other countries, atheist states, such as the People’s Republic of China, have the highest suicide rate (25.6 per 100,000 persons). Does religion play a role in suicide? We found that past suicide attempts were more common among depressed patients with a religious affiliation (OR 2.25,…
How long did Joseph Wait?
How long did Joseph Wait? How Long Was Joseph in Prison? Joseph was in prison for two years after he interpreted the dreams of the chief butler and baker (see Genesis 41:1). He was sold into slavery when he was about seventeen (see Genesis 37:2), and he was thirty years of age when he became…
What is political trust and why is it important in a democracy?
What is political trust and why is it important in a democracy? Political trust, generally defined as citizens’ confidence in political institutions, is an important indicator of political legitimacy—the belief in the righteousness of these political institutions and the regime of which they are part. How do you maintain a public trust? These strategies include:…
What does gamelan music sound like?
What does gamelan music sound like? The instruments of a gamelan are tuned to each other and not to a standard pitch. Musicians play simultaneous variations of a melodic line, creating a shimmering, pulsating sound. The musical forms in gamelan involve the repetition of melodies and rhythms. Is gamelan sacred? In Indonesia, gamelan music is…