What temperature is required for nuclear fusion? 100 million degrees On Earth, to produce net power, fusion reactions must take place at very high temperatures of at least 100 million degrees, which is some seven times hotter than the centre of the Sun. At these very high temperatures the fusion fuel turns into a plasma….
Category: Advice
Why is the violin tuned in 5ths?
Why is the violin tuned in 5ths? It’s perfect for violin strings since our four fingers (not including the thumb) are pretty well equipped to reach the notes between strings without unnecessary acrobatics. They’re called fifths because they are perfect fifths. It’s based on the interval, not the amount of tones. Is a violin tuned…
Is the minted class action lawsuit legitimate?
Is the minted class action lawsuit legitimate? A class action lawsuit filed over the Minted data breach alleged the company failed to take appropriate steps in safeguarding the consumer data stolen during the May 2020 incident. Minted is an online marketplace that sells independent artists’ and designers’ printed art, linens, stationery, gifts, and other items….
Why do ambulances sit in parking lots?
Why do ambulances sit in parking lots? They will select a safe place to park, and if that place offers the chance for food, so much the better. There are also times when an ambulance is staging, awaiting clearance to enter a scene. In the case of a potentially violent scene, the ambulance will stage…
What is the best way to study for GMAT Verbal?
What is the best way to study for GMAT Verbal? How to Score High on GMAT Verbal Understand the Game. Take a Topic-by-Topic Approach. Don’t Just Run Through Practice Questions to Prepare for GMAT Verbal. Learn Before You Practice. Start Your GMAT Verbal Practice Untimed. Make Using Sophisticated Analysis Your Goal. Avoid GMAT Verbal Gimmicks….
Can Hindi be our national language?
Can Hindi be our national language? Just to clear the record, Hindi is not the national language. It is just one of the official languages of the country. Article 343 of the Constitution, which came into effect in January 1950, stated that “the official language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devanagari script”. In…
Which method would you prefer to read a large file when using node JS?
Which method would you prefer to read a large file when using node JS? The most straightforward is fs. readFile() wherein, the whole file is read into memory and then acted upon once Node has read it, and the second option is fs. createReadStream() , which streams the data in (and out) similar to other…
Does the USNS Mercy have weapons?
Does the USNS Mercy have weapons? USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) is the lead ship of her class of hospital ships in non-commissioned service with the United States Navy. In accordance with the Geneva Conventions, Mercy and her crew do not carry any offensive weapons, though defensive weapons are available. Are hospital ships protected? 1. Medical establishments…
Can I get into ISRO after MTech?
Can I get into ISRO after MTech? Yes you are eligible for ICRB , the minimum eligibility criteria for ISRO ,ICRB is BE/ B tech from any recognised University ,higher qualification will not make you less eligible but still ISRO also conduct requirement session for MTech students which is an advantage for you that you…
What are some social media marketing goals?
What are some social media marketing goals? 9 social media goals for your team (and how to track them) Increase brand awareness. Drive traffic to your website. Generate new leads. Grow revenue (by increasing signups or sales) Boost brand engagement. Build a community around your business. Effective social customer service. What should you consider when…