Is the Myers-Briggs valid? The truth is that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is no less valid or reliable than other personality tests. Nonetheless, rumors persist that the test is wholly unreliable and is not based on research. It has been difficult to locate where or how skepticism around the MBTI began. Are personality tests…
Category: Advice
Why was Sanskrit so widely used in ancient India?
Why was Sanskrit so widely used in ancient India? Sanskrit is regarded as the ancient language in Hinduism, where it was used as a means of communication and dialogue by the Hindu Celestial Gods, and then by the Indo-Aryans. Sanskrit is also widely used in Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. Was Sanskrit spoken all over India?…
Are dandelions used for medicine?
Are dandelions used for medicine? However, in traditional herbal medicine practices, dandelion are revered for their wide array of medicinal properties. For centuries, they’ve been used to treat a myriad of physical ailments, including cancer, acne, liver disease and digestive disorders. How do you use dandelions medicinally? Traditionally, dandelions have been used as a diuretic…
Are interviewers allowed to ask about disability?
Are interviewers allowed to ask about disability? Can an employer ask me medical questions during an interview? No. Except as explained in Question 15 below, an employer cannot ask questions about an applicant’s disability either because it is visible or because the applicant has voluntarily disclosed a hidden disability. Can an employer ask questions about…
Why do Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent look alike?
Why do Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent look alike? Batman and Superman basically invented the classic superhero look of a muscular dude with black hair and a square jaw. The problem with that is the two of them look almost exactly alike; so much so that Clark Kent was once actually mistaken for Bruce Wayne…
What things can ruin a friendship?
What things can ruin a friendship? Here are seven common missteps that can easily derail burgeoning friendships: Not asking questions and following up. Letting one mistake paralyze you. Being pushy, or overly indecisive, about plans. Trying too hard to impress. Breaking confidences. Gossiping too much. Missing cues. What to Say When You ruined a friendship?…
Why do the Martells hate the Lannisters?
Why do the Martells hate the Lannisters? No, he hated the lannisters because of what they did to his sister and her children. It was widely known stark had nothing to do with it, and frowned upon the action taken. It was well established that he argued with Robert about it, and left the capital…
What is the traditional food of France?
What is the traditional food of France? Boeuf bourguignon is a traditional family meal. It consists of slow cooked beef cuts with red wine, root vegetables and mushrooms. This dish is typical of Burgundy, a region in which cattle farmings and red wine are famous. What is the most traditional French food? Top 10 French…
Can mechanical engineers work in control systems?
Can mechanical engineers work in control systems? A control engineer’s career starts with a bachelor’s degree and can continue through the college process. Control engineer degrees are well paired with an electrical or mechanical engineering degree. Control engineers usually get jobs in technical managing where they typically lead interdisciplinary projects. Which domain is best for…
Can effect and affect be used in the same sentence?
Can effect and affect be used in the same sentence? Affect is usually a verb meaning “to produce an effect upon,” as in “the weather affected his mood.” Effect is usually a noun meaning “a change that results when something is done or happens,” as in “computers have had a huge effect on our lives.”…