Where does the saying all the bells and whistles come from? The term bells and whistles may have come from the various bells and whistles used as signals on locomotives, especially describing model trains and whether or not they came with “all the bells and whistles.” However, some believe that the idiom is derived from…
Category: Advice
What is equality of all people?
What is equality of all people? In fact, the very first article of the UN Declaration of Human Rights states that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Everybody has an idea of what equality means. It’s the state of being equal in status, rights, or opportunities. It’s about fairness,…
Why do old people only shower once a week?
Why do old people only shower once a week? Aging means that seniors’ scalps don’t produce as much sebum as before. So they may only need to wash their hair once per week. Elderly persons who are resistant to hair washing will benefit from dry shampoos to keep their hair clean between wet washing sessions….
What do you think about Severus Snape?
What do you think about Severus Snape? He is the one of the best developed and most rounded characters in the series. There are several reasons why he is an interesting and well rounded character: He is full of both love and hate. He loves Lily but hates James and has a love/hate relationship with…
What is the best way for my child to learn coding?
What is the best way for my child to learn coding? Here are seven tips and resources to help teach your child to code. Define coding. Talk about coding languages. Get kids interested in learning to code. Ease kids into coding. Make coding tangible. Get familiar with coding terms. Enlist expert help. Which is the…
Why did Greece go broke?
Why did Greece go broke? The government sent the country on an unsustainable fiscal path. As a result of low productivity, eroding competitiveness, and rampant tax evasion, the government had to resort to a massive debt binge to keep the party going. Greece’s admission into the Eurozone in Jan. Did Greece lie to join the…
Does swimming make you more dehydrated?
Does swimming make you more dehydrated? Here’s why. Doctors say swimming compromises your body’s ability to regulate its own temperature. It’s important to stay hydrated while spending time in the water. Why Does swimming make you tired and hungry? Cold water: In the pool, our bodies lose heat much more quickly than in air of…
Why is it important to have a president in a country?
Why is it important to have a president in a country? The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The Cabinet and independent federal agencies are responsible for the day-to-day enforcement and administration of federal laws….
Is the boiling point of water on a mountaintop the same as on the ground?
Is the boiling point of water on a mountaintop the same as on the ground? The boiling point of water on the mountaintop is not the same as that on the ground because the atmospheric pressure in the mountain regions is low. Therefore, the water starts boiling at a lesser temperature in the mountain regions….
How was Syria like before the war?
How was Syria like before the war? Before war, Syrian people had stable lives, nobody needed something. War started off in Daraa, Homs… but arrived to Damascus after a year and a half approximatively. Things were normal in my city, we used to hear about war in other regions, though we cannot help it. What…