Does an electric current produce an electric field? Yes, an electric current =does= produce an electric field. This is due to relativity, specifically the Lorentz Contraction. Do charges produce electric field? A charged particle produces an electric field in all directions. This field produces a force that is either directed away or toward the original…
Category: Advice
What is the significance of the Peace of Westphalia?
What is the significance of the Peace of Westphalia? The Peace of Westphalia is regarded as a milestone in the development toward tolerance and secularization. This settlement also strengthened the imperial Estates: they could enter into foreign alliances and decide important matters, such as peace and war, along with the emperor. How significant was the…
What is the best over-the-counter product for ear wax removal?
What is the best over-the-counter product for ear wax removal? Use a few drops of warmed olive oil, mineral oil, almond oil, baby oil, or glycerin ear drops or sprays in the ear to soften the wax. Use hydrogen peroxide drops. Over-the-counter (OTC) products are available for wax removal, such as Debrox or Murine Ear…
What does Ukraine produce the most of?
What does Ukraine produce the most of? With 41.5 million hectares of agricultural land covering 70 \% of the country and about 25 \% of the world’s reserves of black soil, agriculture is Ukraine’s largest export industry. In 2020, Ukraine’s agriculture sector generated approximately 9.3\% of GDP. Corn, wheat, and barley are Ukraine’s main grain…
Do you say LEGO or legos?
Do you say LEGO or legos? If you say the word ‘lego’ to mean a singular LEGO brick, and ‘legos’ to mean multiple lego bricks, and people understand you, then ‘legos’ is the plural of ‘lego’ for your community of language users. Can I say legos? On this page (#18), the writer says, rather authoritatively,…
Which is better flexible pavement or rigid pavement?
Which is better flexible pavement or rigid pavement? The road pavement is the layered structure located directly above the subgrade, and beneath the wearing surface which transmits the applied vehicle loads to the sub-grade and underlying soil….Difference Between Flexible Pavement And Rigid Pavement. Flexible Pavement Rigid Pavement Have low flexural strength. Have sufficient flexural Strength….
What is Leif Erikson nationality?
What is Leif Erikson nationality? Icelandic Norwegian Leif Erikson/Nationality Born in Iceland around A.D. 970, Erikson sailed to Norway around A.D. 1000, where King Olaf I converted him to Christianity. What language did Leif Erikson speak? Old Norse Leif Erikson/Languages In the Old Norse Language, “Leif Erikson” is spelled Leifr Eiríksson. But in Nynorsk—a younger…
How can I teach English to non English speaking child?
How can I teach English to non English speaking child? Five Tips for Teaching English to Non-Native Speakers Use visual aids. Pictures and other visual aids are extremely helpful because non-native speakers do not have the same reference points as native speakers. Keep it simple. Avoid long lectures. Make the best use of oral communication….
Is it possible to build a building 1 mile high?
Is it possible to build a building 1 mile high? Experts are predicting that there could be at least one mile-high skyscraper by 2050. There’s also likely to be a trend of buildings over 3,200 feet high. Its successor, the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, will be the first building to surpass 1,000 meters…
What does it mean when a room has good acoustics?
What does it mean when a room has good acoustics? Good acoustics entail more than just controlling the reverberation time. By this we mean a situation where a room (and we still only talking about room acoustics) will be perceived as comfortable, well-balanced, suitably furnished for its purpose and as having a clear and distinct…