Why did Odin keep a fake gauntlet?
They put a fake one in the vault to remind them of their dark times of conquering, show the people, that they still have the powerful weapon to protect them and kept the masquarate that Asgard is all powerful and no one should dare to attack them. Only Odin and Hela knew it was fake.
How did Odin have the Infinity Gauntlet?
After finding the Space Stone, Odin is then said to have traveled to Nidavellir and commissioned the dwarves to create a model Infinity Gauntlet with fake stones to try on for size. So she and Odin fought; Odin won and that’s when he imprisoned her in Hell.
Did Odin ever have the Infinity Gauntlet?
The Infinity Gauntlet in Odin’s vault was a fake, non-functional copy of the real one. Odin wouldn’t have been able to use it with any of the Gems, even if he had them.
Why was Thanos hand in Thor Ragnarok?
Thanos got his gauntlet by forcing Eitri to make it for him. This was covered in Infinity War. The Infinity Gauntlet in Odin’s treasure vault (which was also there in the first Thor movie, likely before it was determined that the real one would be a major element in the franchise) is a replica.
How did Hela know about the Infinity Gauntlet?
Hela goes through and she goes, ‘Fake. All of that stuff that’s in here is fake. ‘ Basically the thing we were trying to go for was that Odin somewhere along the line realized that everyone knew that the Infinity Gauntlet was on Asgard and in the safe keeping of Odin, then no one would come looking for it.
Are there two infinity gauntlets?
Yes, there are two infinity gauntlets in the MCU. As the end-credits scene showed us, Thanos has one. And the second one lies in Odin’s trophy room. But, the gauntlet in the trophy room may be a fake one.
Did Thanos know about Hela?
As soon as Odin died, Thanos was going for Asgard with the Power stone. But when he sensed that it was taken by Loki, He attacked the Space Ship instead of Asgard. Yes, he knew about Hela, he was waiting for her death to go on his mission.
Did Odin sacrifice his own daughter in Infinity War?
After finding the Space Stone, Odin is then said to have traveled to Nidavellir and commissioned the dwarves to create a model Infinity Gauntlet with fake stones to try on for size. It’s here that Infinity War ‘s Soul Stone sacrifice comes into play, as Odin realized he couldn’t sacrifice his own daughter, like Thanos would eventually do.
Why did Odin put the fake Gauntlet in his treasure room?
So she and Odin fought; Odin won and that’s when he imprisoned her in Hell. Odin put the fake Gauntlet in his treasure room as a reminder of both what he’d done and what he’d lost, and swore that he would protect all that he had conquered.”
What happened to the Infinity Gauntlet in Ragnarok?
Appearing in 2011’s Thor and 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, the Infinity Gauntlet was seen safely locked away beneath Asgard. However, as Cate Blanchett’s Hela walks into the vault to claim Surtur’s crown in 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, she dismisses the glove and tosses it aside, declaring “fake.”
What’s in Odin’s vault in the Thor films?
Odin’s vault in the Thor films is seen as an Easter egg collections of powerful Marvel artifacts. Appearing in 2011’s Thor and 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, the Infinity Gauntlet was seen safely locked away beneath Asgard.