Who is the real Aleksander Kohler?
Aleksander Tiedemann (previously Aleksander Köhler, originally Boris Niewald) is the director of the Winden Nuclear Power Plant. He is married to Regina, with whom he has a son, Bartosz.
Why did Aleksander Tiedemann change his name?
He first came to Winden in 1986 after apparently being on the run and was revealed to be a man called Boris Niewald. In a bid to throw off suspicion, he changed his name to Aleksander and appeared to take on someone else’s identity.
Who plays Aleksander Tiedemann?
Peter BenedictDark
Aleksander Tiedemann/Played by
Who is Regina’s husband in dark?
Aleksander Tiedemann
Aleksander Tiedemann (portrayed by Peter Benedict) is the father of Bartosz Tiedemann and husband of Regina Tiedemann. He is also the current director of the Winden Nuclear Power Plant.
Where does the name Aleksander come from?
Origin of Aleksander Aleksander is a Danish, Norwegian, Estonian, Polish, Albanian and Bulgarian variant of the name Alexander, which derived from the ancient Greek name Aléxandros (Αλεξανδρος).
Who is Regina’s real father in dark?
Bernd Doppler
Although Claudia Tiedemann never married, she did have one child: Regina. Many people both in the show and watching the show assumed Tronte Nielsen was her father, but it’s ultimately revealed that Regina’s father was Bernd Doppler, Claudia’s predecessor as director of the power plant.
Is Alexander a name in the Bible?
Alexander (the Great) does not appear by name in the Hebrew Bible. He is alluded to as “the first king” in Daniel 8. The book of Maccabees does mention “Alexandros” many times, but it is not a part of most canons. The name “Alexander” does appear in the new testament.
Is Boris Niewald married to Regina?
Aleksander Tiedemann (previously Aleksander Köhler, originally Boris Niewald) is the director of the Winden Nuclear Power Plant. He is married to Regina, with whom he has a son, Bartosz . Boris Niewald arrives in Winden in 1986, apparently on the run.
What is Aleksander Kohler’s real name?
Claudia had an affair with Tronte Nielson in the ‘80s. Aleksander’s real name is Boris Niewald, but he took the identity of someone named Aleksander Kohler when he moved to Winden. He took Regina’s last name when they married.
Who is Aleksander’s wife Hannah?
By 2019, Aleksander is married to Regina and director of the power plant, a position once held by his mother-in-law Claudia. Hannah is his massage therapist. On June 20, Aleksander’s attention is piqued when he comes across the headline, “Murder in Marburg unsolved 33 years later. Search for two fugitive perps still on” while reading the newspaper.
Why does Bartosz think Aleksander is being blackmailed?
He tells Bartosz he is being blackmailed using a murder in Marburg which had happened 33 years ago, mentioning there were decisions in life that could never be undone. He confesses his name is not Aleksander, but Boris Niewald, and begs Bartosz to believe he is not a murderer.