Which engine produce more power for same maximum pressure?
The two stroke diesel engine is widely used as the the four stroke as it has more output power. however, the two stroke engine has high losses whether heat lose or unburnt gases. So, in comparison with four stroke which engine has the best performance.
Which one has more efficiency Otto engine or diesel engine?
Explanation: Otto cycle is more efficient than Diesel cycle for a given compression ratio. For constant maximum pressure and heat input, the air standard efficiency of the gas power cycle is in the order.
Which of the following cycle is more efficient for same maximum pressure and heat input?
diesel cycle
The maximum pressure is same and same heat input is given. It is clear from T-S diagram that heat rejected by diesel cycle (4′ – 1) is less than heat rejected by Otto cycle (4 – 1). Hence the diesel cycle is more efficient than Otto cycle.
What is the maximum exhaust temperature of a diesel engine?
Diesel engine exhaust gases vary with speed and load. High loads and high speeds result in the highest temperatures. Generally, temperatures of 500–700°C (932–1293°F) are produced in the exhaust gases from diesel-cycle engines at 100\% load to 200–300°C (392–572°F) with no load.
What are the various emissions in the exhaust of petrol and diesel engine?
The major products of the complete combustion of petroleum-based fuels in an internal combustion engine are carbon dioxide (13\%) and water (13\%), with nitrogen from air comprising most (73\%) of the remaining exhaust. A very small portion of the nitrogen is converted to nitrogen oxides and some nitrated hydrocarbons.
What is more efficient diesel or Otto cycle?
1. an ideal thermodynamic combustion cycle, as follows: a compression at constant entropy; a constant-volume heat transfer to the system; an expansion at constant entropy; and a constant-volume heat transfer from the system. The thermal efficiency of the ideal Otto cycle increases with an increasing compression ratio.
What does high exhaust temp mean?
High exhaust gas temperatures are caused by too much fuel and too little air within the diesel motor’s cylinders. Facilitate the efficient consumption of fuel, and lowered exhaust temperatures, by allowing more clean air to flow into the motor and reset the appropriate air to fuel ratios.
Which cycle has maximum efficiency for the same temperature limits?
Carnot engine
A Carnot engine operating between two given temperatures has the greatest possible efficiency of any heat engine operating between these two temperatures. Furthermore, all engines employing only reversible processes have this same maximum efficiency when operating between the same given temperatures.
How hot does the exhaust system get in a car?
Exhaust system temperatures. While the average temperature for the exhaust is 300 to 500 degrees, you still can experience temperatures as high as 1200 whenever there is a constriction in the exhaust system. You should be on the lookout for bends on the exhaust pipe.
What is the maximum temperature in an air standard Otto cycle?
Anim. 7-3-6(click) 7-3-7 [tmax-2000C] At the beginning of the compression process of an air standard Otto cycle, pressure is 100 kPa, temperature is 16 o C, and volume is 300 cm 3 . The maximum temperature in the cycle is 2000 o C and the compression ratio is 9.
How do you calculate the efficiency of an Otto cycle engine?
Work done = Q in – Q R. Efficiency of the Otto cycle is represented as. Where r = compression ratio. Two strokes’ engines work on both Otto cycle as well as diesel cycle. Atkinson cycle uses slightly different valve timing diagram.
What is the normal exhaust pipe muffler temperature?
The exhaust pipe muffler temperature is usually between 300 to 500 degrees, but they are also known to handle higher temperatures of up to 1200 degrees. Extreme exhaust temperatures can destroy the catalytic converter.