What is the difference between weed and flowers?
A: My answer is simple: A weed is a plant that makes a gardener unhappy. Dandelion flowers are pretty, but I don’t like them growing in my lawn. Garlic tastes good, but it self-seeds in so many places in my garden that I pull out the unwanted seedlings. Sometimes weeds are simply the wrong plant in the wrong place.
What makes a weed a weed and not a flower?
Here are just a few of the characteristics that make a weed a weed: They tend to produce lots of seed — sometimes tens of thousands of seeds per plant. Their seed can sometimes survive for a very long time in the soil, going dormant but then sprouting just as soon as conditions are right.
Is weed a flower or a plant?
Cannabis is an annual, dioecious, flowering herb. The leaves are palmately compound or digitate, with serrate leaflets.
How can you tell a weed from a wildflower?
Look around the area, and see if the suspicious plant is evenly distributed over your meadow area. If it is, it’s probably one of your wildflowers. If it’s just here and there, or in a clump or two, it’s probably an intruder-from weed seed that was in your soil when you planted. (Weed seed is dormant in ALL soil.)
Is a Rose a weed?
A rose bush could be considered a weed if it sprouts in the vegetable garden. Some plants serve a valuable purpose in one area of the yard, but would take over the world if given half a chance to roam free. When you decide to grow these plants, good maintenance makes the difference between a garden plant and a weed.
Is a lily a weed?
Its flowers open in the morning and close in early evening, and it grows in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 11. This attractive water lily is listed on the USDA noxious weed list in California.
Why is a weed called a weed?
Why do we call it a weed? The plant you classify as a ‘weed’ will compete for air, light, plant food and space. They deprive cultivated plants of these requirements and reduce their vigour, yield or beauty. They are also prolific seed producers – for example the poppy can produce 16,000 seeds per plant.
Are roses a weed?
Do you want male or female weed plant?
For the most part, the average home grower wants female cannabis plants. The ladies are the ones that produce the fattest, most resinous and most potent flowers – aka buds. Male cannabis plants are only desirable if someone wants to breed cannabis and save seeds (which is a whole other topic for another day).
Is weed a plant or a drug?
Weed is a slang term for marijuana, a drug that’s derived from the dried flowers of the cannabis plant. Other names for marijuana include Mary Jane, pot, herb, grass, and ganja.
Is black medic a weed?
Black medic is a weed of home lawns, parks, low-maintenance grounds, and along roadsides. This species is often found growing in dry, marginal soils with thin turf that has not been fertilized with nitrogen. It tends to grow in a prostrate fashion, forming patches and is most noticeable when flowering during summer.