What can you do if you live in a food desert?
Tips for getting nutritious food in a food desert
- Choose frozen produce. Studies show that frozen produce has the same nutritional quality as fresh produce.
- Load up on pantry staples.
- Make big-batch stews.
- Preserve your food.
- Seek out community gardens.
- Make your own kitchen scrap garden.
- Share your story.
How do you access healthy food in a food desert?
Maintaining a Healthy Diet in a Food Desert
- Buy fresh when you can. If fresh produce is on sale, stock up!
- Buy frozen produce. Frozen fruits and vegetables are fantastic choices for those living within food deserts.
- Start a garden.
- Take a multivitamin.
- Choose the right packaged foods.
Why is there a lack of fresh produce in food desert areas?
Food deserts are areas where access to grocery stores that sell fresh produce is difficult because of distance or lack of public transportation. As such, these individuals may rely on less-healthy food options that are available from closer stores like gas stations, fast-food restaurants, or small corner stores.
What qualifies a food desert?
“Food deserts” are geographic areas where access to affordable, healthy food options (aka fresh fruits and veggies) is limited or nonexistent because grocery stores are too far away. About 23.5 million people live in food deserts. Nearly half of them are also low-income.
What do people in food desert eat?
A food desert can be hard to define, but in general, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that it’s an area that lacks access to affordable foods that make up a healthy, balanced diet. This usually includes foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat milk, and whole grains, among others.
How do you get rid of food deserts?
Increase the purchasing power of low-income residents. Make healthy food available in all neighborhoods. Ensure people know how to cook and make healthy food choices. Reduce demand for unhealthy food while increasing demand for healthy options.
How can food deserts be eliminated in America?
Food deserts can be eliminated by making nutritious food accessible and affordable. Having healthy food options in restaurants and grocery stores also helps. Eliminating food deserts can help fight childhood obesity.
How do you know if you live in a food desert?
According to the USDA, the census tracts that qualify as food deserts either meet low-income thresholds where the poverty rate is 20 percent or greater, or low-access thresholds where at least 500 people (or 33 percent of the population) live more than one mile from a supermarket.
Where do food deserts exist?
Food deserts are brought about by a number of factors. They are typically located in low income areas where people often do not own a car. While public transportation can assist these people in some instances, often economic flux has driven grocery stores out of the city and into the suburbs.
How can we prevent food deserts?
Food Desert Solutions
- Establish bus stop farmers markets.
- Support community gardens.
- Improve public transportation options.
- Implement dollar store restrictions.
- Consider food co-ops, nonprofits, and government-run supermarkets.
Is it possible to live in a food desert?
Not by a long shot. Areas without access to nutritious, high-quality, affordable food are known as food deserts. The USDA defines them as any area with a 20\% or greater poverty rate, and where a third or more of the residents live more than a mile away from a supermarket.
What are the best ways to help people with food desert?
Large Scale Change: From Food Deserts to Food Oases. 1 1. Little Free Pantries. Some communities have created free, library-like mini food pantries, where you can donate food, personal care, and household 2 2. SÜPRMARKT. 3 3. The Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program (CFPCGP) 4 4. Wholesome Wave. 5 5. Soul Fire Farm.
Should grocery stores open in food deserts?
This idea has gathered a lot of steam. Over the past decade, federal and local governments in the United States have spent hundreds of millions of dollars encouraging grocery stores to open in food deserts. The federal Healthy Food Financing Initiative has leveraged over $1 billion in financing for grocers in under-served areas.
Is there an online food Desert Locator tool?
An online food desert locator tool, sponsored by USDA’s Economic Research Service, is also available. Over the past seven years, USDA and the Obama Administration have made great strides in maximizing the ability of our programs to fight hunger and improve health for more children and families.