Should you file trademark without attorney?
There is no need to engage a lawyer to file for registration of the trademark. It will not only save the money of the applicant but also the applicant would get an insight into how it works.
Is it worth hiring a trademark attorney?
You should hire a trademark attorney because a skilled and experienced attorney will give you a significantly better chance of securing a trademark registration than if you file a trademark on your own.
How do I protect my logo with a trademark?
Consider how to protect your trademark with these 6 strategies.
- Choose a Strong Mark from the Start.
- Complete a Comprehensive Trademark Search.
- Register Your Trademark with the USPTO.
- Police Your Mark.
- Consider Registering Internationally.
- Maintain Your Trademark.
Do I need to legalize my logo?
In the U.S., you don’t need to register a trademark or copyright your company’s logo. Once you put down the original work on paper or digital media and use it to market your business, you automatically own the rights. However, registering a trademark affords you an extra layer of protection.
How much does a trademark lawyer cost?
Most attorneys bill by the hour. As with many professions, there is no predictable standard. Rates typically range from $150-to-$350 an hour.
Can I register trademark by myself?
Any layman who wants to register a trademark can apply himself. In case of any opposition from a party claiming a similar trademark, it has to be settled by fighting a case and proving the originality of the filed trademark. Only if the case is won, is the trademark granted by the Office/Court.
How hard is it to trademark a logo?
The simplest and fastest way to submit an application for a trademark is online at the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s website. If you’re registering your company name, it should take about 90 minutes online. A designed logo could be a more complicated process since the logo has more details.
Should I trademark or copyright my logo?
The simple answer: Logos are not copyrighted, they are actually trademarked. Whether or not legal action is taken for replicating a trademarked logo is fully up to the company or entity that owns the trademark.
Do you need an attorney to file a trademark application?
When applying for a federal trademark, you do not, repeat, do not need an attorney. The U.S. Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) is freely available to anyone. You can file your trademark application online at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website.
What happens if my trademark application is rejected?
Trademarks go through a rigorous screening during the application process. The trademark office could reject your trademark filing because it appears similar to another mark, or violates intellectual property law. If rejected, you are not entitled to a refund. Multiple denials means multiple applications, which means multiple application fees.
What are the obstacles to getting a federal trademark?
There are four main obstacles to acquiring a valid federal trademark. They are the initial naming process and trademark search, the application itself, handling correspondence from the USPTO, and the additional deadlines and hassles of dealing with the entire process. Let’s take these one at at time.