Is the existence of the universe itself proof of aliens?
Whether you believe in any of those theories or not, there is absolutely no denying that the universe is incredible and has left us with many unanswered questions. Thus the existence of a vast universe itself is a proof that aliens exist.
What are the best examples of evidence that aliens exist?
There is absolutely no denying that the universe is incredible and has left us with many unanswered questions. Thus the existence of a vast universe itself is a proof that aliens exist. 2. The Men in Black. Another signs that prove aliens exists is The Men in Black (not the movie though).
Are these the ancient remains of alien life?
So far, none has been confirmed as the ancient remains of alien life.
Are aliens good or bad for Earth?
Answer: If there are any aliens who can visit Earth, they may be “good,” “bad,” or even “neutral.” It is impossible to know what their motives for making contact with Earth are until it actually happens. I don’t think aliens can be described as “good” or “bad” overall.
Are aliens out there?
It’s a numbers game, and probability suggests aliens are out there. Most scientists agree that alien life almost certainly exists in the universe somewhere. Our galaxy contains in the region of 300 billion stars, and we’re now discovering planets travelling around these stars. The more we look, and the more technology we put out there,
Did the FBI just confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life?
In a recently leaked memo, the FBI has confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial life, though the claim is now being denied by the bureau. However, despite their denial, there is still plenty of evidence that is out there that shows that aliens do in fact exist and they have visited our planet, possibly for quite some time.