Is it compulsory to register a trademark?
Registration of a trademark is not compulsory. However, the registration is the prima facie evidence of the proprietorship of the trademark under registration.
Is it mandatory to register a brand name or company name as a trademark?
A trademark is operational from the instance goods or services are made available in the market under a brand name, and it is valid even without registration. Registration of a trademark gives its proprietor some statutory remedies in case of infringement.
How do I trademark my company name?
Registering a trademark for a company name is pretty straightforward. Many businesses can file an application online in less than 90 minutes, without a lawyer’s help. The simplest way to register is on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Web site,
Can you use company name that has been trademarked?
Stated briefly, trademark law makes it unlawful for a business to use a trademark (e.g., a slogan, a logo, a name) in connection with a good or service if that use is confusingly similar to another business’s use of a trademark.
Is it necessary to trademark my business name?
You are not required to trademark your business to operate or register as a legal entity, but it’s a lot harder to make a case against copyright infringers without a registered trademark. Without a trademark, someone else could register your name or logo as their own, which could force you to rebrand your company.
Do you need to trademark your business name?
If you only operate in one state you do not need to trademark your business name because you already have the right to use it in that state, and you are allowed to use it in other states, according to Nina Kaufman of Conflicts could arise, however, once you expand into new markets and another company operates under the same name.
How to register a trademark, such as company name?
How to Register a Trademark for a Company Name in the United States First, search the Trademark Electronic Search System database for existing trademarks After, apply at the U.S Patent and Trademark Office online Then provide additional business information like category of services and date of first use for desired company name Next, pay the fee online that ranges from $225 to $400