How to CS in bad matchups?
Avoid pushing too far out. The farther you are from your turret/team, the more likely you are to die, and this likeliness is going to increase exponentially in a bad matchup. Stay close to your turret and focus on last-hitting CS until you’re at a higher level.
What is strong side and weak side in basketball?
The side of the court where the ball is is the strong side and the other side where the ball is not is the weak side. So, the strong side travels with the ball wherever it goes the entire time the game is going on.
What does it mean to win Lane?
Winning a lane simply means you have a good margin of gold above your lane opponent. Taking down your tower usually means your particular laning phase has ended.
How do you play Irelia after laning phase?
After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane (or stay top) and just split push. You’re a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane. If somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them. Irelia is a good duelist and will be able to fight most enemies who try to stop her.
Which side is weak side in lol?
“Weak side” is a phrase used by casters to refer to the side of the map that the jungler does not gank or spend much time on.
How do you win a game by winning Lane?
You don’t win a game by winning lane. You win a game by destroying the nexus. Once you truly understand that, you’ll win a lot more. Every loss is your fault. You may think you “won” lane. When in reality you did not. If you were to “win” lane you would have successfully pushed all the way to their nexus and destroyed it.
Is it your fault if you lose Lane as an ADC?
It’s not always your fault that you lose lane as an ADC. Sometimes it’s the Support that costs you the game. Whether they’re auto-filled, tilted or countered, it’s up to you to make the best of a bad situation to win the game.
Why can’t my support do too much in Lane?
Before we begin, there may be a reason your Support cannot do too much in lane. For example, they might be having a bad day, they might be tilted, or they might be playing in a countered matchup which results in them having a hard time in lane.
How do you win more games than you lose?
As long as you’re carrying your own weight and then some, you should be winning more games than you’re losing. If you always win lane, then you need to learn to use the acquired advantage to snowball your other lanes as well. That means roaming mid and bot, and counterjungling.