How do you soften edges in Photoshop?
Save the image with a new filename, to preserve the original image. The object you selected will now have a soft border around it. If you wish to use that image, with its soft border, in another document, click the “Edit” menu from the top bar of Photoshop, and then click “Copy” to copy the image to the clipboard.
How to soften edges Photoshop?
Open the photograph you want to edit in Photoshop
How do you darken edges in Photoshop?
From the menus, choose Image → Adjustments → Curves. Pull down on the middle of the curve to darken the inverted selection. Don’t be too aggressive – subtle vignetting is usually best. Black-and-white images can usually be vignetted more strongly than color images without the effect appearing too strong.
How do you blur the edges of a photo in Photoshop?
Blurring you photo edges in Photoshop, Open the image in Photoshop. Select the lasso tool. With the help of Lasso tool select the areas you want to blur. Go to the filter option in the menu bar. In filter option look for “BLUR”. In the sub menu of blur you will find Gaussian Blur. Click on the Gaussian Blur.