How did the husband come to accept the baby as his own?
Like all affairs it was complicated and fraught with various circumstances. At the end of it all the husband came to accept and raise the baby as his own. The boyfriend/biological father was told about the baby and given an option to be present in his biological child’s life and he declined.
Is your wife over the Moon about becoming a father?
I was, of course, over the moon about becoming a father. Things were starting to look up, until I discovered an ultrasound scan report which showed my wife was further along in the pregnancy than she told me. After a bitter, heated argument she confessed she conceived the baby with someone else while we were separated.
Should I tell my husband the absolute truth about the baby?
Telling my husband the absolute truth is not an option! It’s either keep the baby and tell my husband nothing, or abort. The man I’m pregnant by knows and says he is willing to go along with whatever I decide. He’s not someone that I think I’ll end up with in the long run, although his is a nice guy.
What happens if a woman gets pregnant while still married?
When a woman is married and pregnant from another man. Many times in family law cases, we see situations where a woman becomes pregnant while still married. The husband by law, is presumed to be the biological father of the child. It complicates the divorce.
Can I get pregnant with a married man’s child?
Getting pregnant with a married man’s child, is simply the ultimate tactic to poach another woman’s spouse. If any mistresses are reading this and have gotten pregnant by a married man, please do not tell me that you are just so fertile that IUD’s, birth control, and condoms are no match for your Fabulous Fertility. You are lying.
What happens if the husband is not the father of the baby?
If either the mother or her husband raise the issue with the trial court that the husband may not be the father, most courts will put the brakes on the divorce process, order a guardian ad litem be appointed for the baby and order DNA testing for all three.
What should I do if my husband wants a new wife?
Get divorced, and free your husband so he can find a wife that will stay faithful to him. You have committed the ultimate disrespect in marriage. There is absolutely nothing worse to a marriage than going outside the marriage and having someone else’s child.
How do I get my husband to accept my child as his?
Tell your AP to man up his responsibility. Tell your husband the truth, so he can decide the faith of his future. Don’t you dare make him believe it’s his kid. That is a horrible thing to do to anyone. You need to own up to this and be ready for whatever happens. You took your pants off, and now you have to put your big girl pants on.
What happened to the boyfriend/biological father of the baby?
The boyfriend/biological father was told about the baby and given an option to be present in his biological child’s life and he declined. Last I heard the baby was the happy son of two adoring parents but the father was not the biological child. Missing in the OP question is any information on how the husband is going to take this.