Do teens care about current events?
While 70\% of students say consuming the news makes them feel smart and knowledgeable, 44 percent of teens say they have trouble distinguishing real news from fake news.
Why do teenagers get their news from social media?
Of teens who get news of current events from news organizations, 65\% say it helps them better understand what is going on. In contrast, just 53\% of teens who get news from social media say it helps them better understand what is going on, while 19 percent say it has made them more confused about current events.
How do teenagers consume news?
Young people are exposed to news in different ways, and news media are not the only source: background or indirect exposure to news is provided by social media, online conversations, documentaries, and TV shows. Flamingo spoke to individuals in the UK and the USA.
What percentage of teenagers get their news from social media?
More than half of teens (54 percent) get news from social media, and 50 percent get news from YouTube at least a few times a week.
How teenagers get their news?
For teens who turn to YouTube for news consumption, 60 percent said they are more likely to learn about current events by watching videos from celebrities or social media personalities, rather than news organizations. …
Do teens get enough news from TV?
However, teens’ interest in news is so low, that internet-based news receives about the same attention from older adults as it does from younger ones, the survey found. Teenagers and young adults are twice as likely to use television for their daily news.
Why don’t teenagers care about politics?
Lack of teaching in schools. No policies for young people. These are just a few of the excuses from today’s generation of teenagers as to why politics doesn’t affect them, and why they do not show an interest in the topic. This needs to change.
How much do young adults know about current events?
On a current events quiz, young adults averaged 5.9 correct answers out of 12 questions, fewer than the averages for Americans ages 35 to 49 (7.8) and above age 50 (8.4). The survey found that the knowledge gap was widest on foreign affairs.
Which age groups get the most news from television?
Teenagers and young adults are twice as likely to use television for their daily news. However, older Americans are twice as likely to regularly watch television news. The survey revealed that radio is an underestimated source of news for Americans of all ages.