Can you register a trademark with the same name?
“Trademark, same name, same class” is an expression that means more than one business entity registering the same trademark name in the same product and service class with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Should I trademark my logo or name?
Generally speaking, you should apply for trademark registrations for your business name, logo, slogan and designs separately.
Is it necessary to trademark a business name?
There’s no legal requirement for you to register a trademark. Using a business name can give you ‘common law’ rights, even without formally registering it.
Can you use a trademarked name anywhere you want?
If the name you’re considering incorporates part of a well-known or marketed trademark, choose another, especially if that mark is registered with the USPTO. Registration gives the trademark owner the right to use that mark anywhere in the country and leverage to sue violators for “willful infringement” of their marks.
Can a proposed trademark name be similar to an already registered one?
If a proposed trademark name is similar to an already registered one and could be confusing, the USPTO won’t register it. To be that confusing, the trademark names must be identical and must belong in the same services or goods class.
How do I know if a domain name is trademarked?
Before registering your domain name, use the trademark tools on the USPTO website to find out if a domain name like the one you want is already trademarked. Most people, including domain name registrants, are unaware of: Federal trademark laws. The consequences of trademark infringement.
What does same name same class mean for trademarks?
“Trademark, same name, same class” is an expression that means more than one business entity registering the same trademark name in the same product and service class with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). There are several classes in which trademarks can be registered.