Can high school students be randomly drug tested?
In 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court held that random drug tests of student athletes do not violate the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures. In 2002, the Court decided that random drug tests of students involved in extracurricular activities do not violate the Fourth Amendment.
Can students be randomly drug tested?
Is random testing legal? In most cases, yes. In 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the permissibility of random student drug test for students engaged in competitive extracurricular activities, which includes not just athletics, but glee club, cheerleading and a host of other school-sponsored pursuits.
Can schools drug test students NZ?
YouthLaw Aotearoa barrister and solicitor Joanna Maskell says schools cannot test students for drugs without their consent but can refer testing to a third party (with student consent) for example, as a condition of return to school after a suspension hearing.
Why schools should do random drug tests?
While every school has different penalties for students who violate their drug policies, the primary purpose of random drug testing is not to punish students who use drugs but to prevent drug abuse and to help students already using become drug-free.
Why should high school students not be drug tested?
The tests may violate students’ privacy by making their personal medications known to school administrators. And they may subject students to disciplinary action, like harsh long-term suspensions and expulsions, that harm their academic prospects.
Why random drug testing in schools is good?
Random student drug testing programs have received both praise and condemnation across the U.S. in the last twenty years. Proponents of the programs say that drug testing students allows for early detection and intervention of teen drug use, thus increasing a student’s chances to be successful in the future.
Can teachers search your bag NZ?
Under the law, teachers and authorised staff have powers to search students personally (outer clothing only), AND their electronic devices and bags, if they reasonably believe that the student has: a harmful item; or. an item likely to be dangerous; or. something that will negatively affect the learning environment.
Can a teacher search your bag?
School staff can search pupils with their consent for any item. The consent does not have to be in writing. If a member of staff suspects that a pupil has a prohibited item and the pupil refuses to agree to be searched then the school can punish the pupil in accordance with their school policy.
Should mandatory drug test be done in schools?
The aim of mandatory drug testing is not to punish or humiliate drug-users at school. It is to serve as a strong deterrent and as a means to find students who need help to tackle their addiction. Some people worry about the logistics of putting such a large-scale policy into practice.
Why high school athletes should not be drug tested?
The public school system should not be permitted to administer drug tests on high school athletes because this would violate the 4th amendment, funds are insufficient, and these tests can prove to be inaccurate and unfair. Drug testing would also be another costly program that would require unnecessary funding.
Should schools do random drug testing?
If students know they can be subject to drug tests at any time, it’s a clear deterrent to partaking in drug use. More subtly, a random drug testing policy can also can aid those kids facing peer pressure to use, or who are on the fence, because it provides them with an easy excuse to say no to drugs.
Should students take mandatory drug tests?