Are Elros and Aragorn related?
Elros, also known as Elros Tar-Minyatur, the Half-elven, was the son of Eärendil and Elwing, brother of Elrond, uncle of Elladan and Elrohir and Arwen Undómiel, and the first King of Númenor; ancestor to a line of kings that led to his distant descendant Aragorn II Elessar.
How is luthien related to Arwen?
Through her mother, she was the granddaughter of the Elf-queen Galadriel of Lothlórien, and the great-granddaughter of Finarfin. Indeed, Arwen was held to be the reappearance in likeness of her ancestor Lúthien, fairest of all the Elves, who was called Nightingale (Tinúviel).
Is Aragorn a descendant of Elrond?
Yes he is because aragorn is descended from Elrond’s brother Elros. Elrond, Elros and their parents were given the choice to either be a human or an elf since he and his family had both elvish and human ancestors.
Is Aragorn descended from elves?
Though he chose men, having essentially been raised as an elf, it’s assumed that he retained many elvish characteristics (as Arwen does later on.)) And Aragorn was one of these descendants of Elros, so he does technically have some elvish blood.
Was isildur related to Elrond?
Isildur was born in Númenor in the year SA 3209 of the Second Age. Elros, the Half-elven and the first King of Númenor, had chosen the life of Men, while his brother Elrond chose the life of Elves.
How is Aragorn related to Beren and luthien?
Lúthien’s romance with the mortal man Beren is considered the “chief” of the Silmarillion tales by Tolkien himself; he called it “the kernel of the mythology”. Elrond was Lúthien’s great-grandson and Aragorn was descended from her via Elros and the Royal Family of Númenor.
Who was Arwen’s father?
Images of Elrond I have seen three ages in the West of the world, and many defeats, and many fruitless victories.” Elrond was the half-elven son of Eärendil and Elwing, the father of Arwen, and the Lord of Rivendell who consistently fought against Sauron throughout the Second and Third Ages.
Did Elrond marry his cousin?
Celebrían was born early in the Second Age, likely in SA 300, after her mother refused to return to Tol Eressëa, and passed over the Mountains. In TA 109, Elrond wedded Celebrían. She bore him twin sons, Elladan and Elrohir in TA 130, and then a daughter, Arwen in TA 241.
Is Arwen and Aragorn closely related?
Aragorn is a direct descendant of Elrond’s brother Elros, who chose mortality and became the first King of Numenor. So Aragorn and Arwen are first cousin approx. 60 generations removed. At their first meeting, after Aragorn tells Arwen who he is*, she says ‘Then we are kin from afar, for I am Arwen, daughter of Elrond.