What should I do before a long run?
- Start with the right foods and start a few days prior to the run.
- Check the weather.
- Make sure you address your mid-run nutrition needs.
- Plan the route.
- Prepare your long run gear the night before the run.
- Apply your Body Glide.
- Carry some cash, a credit card and a form of ID.
What are the things to prepare before running?
Race Tips: How to Prepare For Your First Running Event
- Make sleep a priority. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night during your training.
- Practice and plan.
- Set a goal and a backup goal.
- Hydrate before and during the race.
- Stay upbeat and positive.
- Relax and enjoy the run.
- Start out slow.
What should I take on a long run?
Should I only eat when I feel hungry or should I snack continually during a race?
- 500ml bottle of commercially available sports drink.
- 1½ carbohydrate energy gels.
- A small handful of jellied sweets.
- One large banana.
- One large cereal bar or carbohydrate based energy bar (choose a low-fibre option)
How do I prepare my legs for a long run?
Before Running:
- Fueling. We suggest eating at least 3 hours before running.
- Hydration. Drink at least 8 oz.
- Loosen up. Conventional wisdom is now recommends not to stretch before running.
- Start off slowly.
- Check your shoes.
- Stretch it out.
- Soak for circulation.
- Freshen your legs.
How do I prepare for a 10K run?
At a minimum, you need to run three times a week to prepare for a 10K. Do two 30-minute runs on, say, Tuesday and Thursday, and a long run on the weekend. When possible, add an additional 20-minute easy run to your schedule to increase time on your feet. Every other weekend, increase your long run by one to 1.5 miles.
How do I fuel my run?
General recommendations for fueling during the run are to get in between 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. Just like when you experiment with the food you eat before a run, know it may take some practice to get your gut used to digesting fuel on the run. Start on the lower end of the range, and build up as needed.
How do you refuel when running?
A good rule of thumb is to drink 3–4 sips of fluid every 15–20 minutes. Water is sufficient so long as you get carbohydrates from fuel. If you do choose a sports drink, it can do double duty by providing both fluids and carbohydrates. It’s also important to start your run well-hydrated.
Should I run or eat first?
In general, it’s recommended to eat before running. This gives your body the fuel it needs to exercise safely and efficiently. If you prefer to run on an empty stomach, stick to light to moderate running. Take a break if you start to feel lightheaded.