What is the target market for Harley Davidson?
Harley’s current target market is Caucasian males over the age of 35+. Moreover, its customer base is primarily 45-60 year old Caucasian males. Harley Davidson opened dealerships in strategic international markets as well.
What is Harley Davidson famous for?
Harley-Davidson isn’t just the most famous motorcycle company — it’s also one of the most legendary and beloved brands in human history. Harley-Davidson got its all-American start in 1903, at the dawn of the “Motor Age.” Two friends got together and combined bicycles with newfangled engines.
What makes the Harley brand unique?
Harley Davidson bikes mean quality, the brand never compromises on quality, irrespective of their model or make. All of the bikes have that Harley look, style and design which sets them apart from the rest.
What is the competitive strategy of Harley-Davidson?
Harley-Davidson applies differentiation as its main generic strategy for competitive advantage. Unique product features are the main point in this generic strategy. For example, Harley-Davidson popularized the chopper motorcycle style through unique customization.
What is the marketing strategy of Harley-Davidson?
Harley-Davidson’s marketing strategies are primarily focused on providing a personalized experience to its customers to allow them to connect with the brand. Allowing Harley customers to modify or customize their motorcycle is one of the rare features that the company offers.
When did Harleys become popular?
Harley-Davidson entered the 1920s as the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. The company was responsible for the production of 28,189 machines and had dealers in 67 countries.
Why do people buy a Harley-Davidson?
Harley-Davidson motorcycles are made to last. With their durable assembly matched with their revolutionary engines, these bikes are incredibly durable. Plus, most of their parts are easily replaceable; meaning that you can purchase new parts when they become damaged or well-worn instead of buying an entirely new bike.
How does Harley-Davidson differentiate themselves in the market?