What is responsible for our consciousness?
The specific thalamic relay nuclei communicate with the cerebral cortex regarding each sensory and motor function. For this reason the thalamus with its extensive nuclei connections is thought to be responsible for all the individual contents of consciousness [24].
What part of the brain gives consciousness?
cerebral cortex
Since at least the nineteenth century, scientists have known that the cerebral cortex is important for consciousness.
What happens to your brain when you lose consciousness?
The heaviest part of the brain puts a lot of pressure on the brainstem, which can be twisted and pulled during the blow as the rest of the brain moves out of place. That twisting and pulling can cause brain circuits to break, or lose their insulation, or get kinked up, and that shuts off parts of the brain.
What is lowered consciousness?
A lowered level of consciousness indicate a deficit in brain function. Level of consciousness can be lowered when the brain receives insufficient oxygen (as occurs in hypoxia); insufficient blood (as occurs in shock); or has an alteration in the brain’s chemistry.
Do thoughts create matter or does matter create consciousness?
If thoughts do create matter… If thoughts do create matter it is because thoughts and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields. The idea that consciousness is an electromagnetic field that forms matter is explored below. It is not a new idea, but the equation C = Ef = M is new.
Does consciousness create your and my reality?
Yes, consciousness creates your and my reality. Consciousness is all that exists. Matter and reality are expressions of consciousness. MindFormsMatter.com website article.
What happens to consciousness when the light switches off?
Perhaps, at some point, the light switches off, and consciousness disappears. But it’s at least coherent to suppose that this continuum of consciousness fading while never quite turning off carries on into inorganic matter, with fundamental particles having almost unimaginably simple forms of experience to reflect their incredibly simple nature.
What happens to our consciousness when we die?
We are not separate from other aspects of the universe but an integral and inextricable part of them. And when we die, we transcend the human experience of consciousness, and its illusion of duality, and merge with the universe’s entire and unified property of consciousness.