What is karma all about?
If you ask most people what karma is all about they will say something like, “Karma is punishment for past wrongs.” Or “What you do to others will come back to you.”. It’s seen as a sort of cause and effect; a universal system of justice against your crimes.
Is karma waiting for Your Ex to die?
If you’re waiting for karma to dish out punishment to people who have done wrong, you’re going to be waiting a long time. If you’re waiting for your lying, cheating ex to die and come back as a sea slug, don’t hold your breath. Karma does not work that way despite people hoping and wishing it did.
Does karmic Karma really work?
Karma really works. Like it says in the Bible – as you sow you shall reap. If you suffer in this life, even though you have been a good person, it means you are suffering the reactions of sins committed in a previous life. If apparent evil persons are enjoying in this life, they are enjoying their pious activities from a previous life.
Is karma punishment or revenge?
Karma is not punishment, it’s not revenge, it’s not justice. Karma is the universe giving you opportunities to alter your vibration. Do with that what you will.
Is karma the Charles Bronson of unseen universal justice?
It is here that karma as the “Charles Bronson of unseen universal justice”, can hit a few snags. Although we are happy to attribute “karma” to anecdotal stories where it appears someone has “got what was coming to them”, we do this without seriously questioning to see if this type of “karma” really does exist.
Do evil people take responsibility for their actions?
There’s no situation in which an evil person would stand up and say “yes, that was my fault.” They are always blaming someone else when something goes wrong and they love to play the victim. They simply won’t take responsibility for any of their wrongful actions. 9) They come with a reputation.