What is a good percentage in Class 12 pcb?
As per the eligibility criteria of NEET, you need to score at least 50\% (40\% for SC/ST/OBC) in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology (PCB) in Class 12th. This percentage stipulation includes the practical and theory marks both.
What is the minimum percentage after 12th?
The minimum percentage of marks required is 75\% for the general and Obc category, while it is 70\% for sc, st and other backward categories.
Can I improve my 12th percentage?
To improve the percentage of 12th after graduation there is only one way give the private exam of 12th class As maximum state boards offers improvement with in 2 years of period after the 12th class. Tech degree and score more marks and percentage.
How do you score 75 percent in 12 boards?
- DAY 1 :-Start studying the topic from NCERT.
- DAY 2 :-Study NCERT and solve the previous year questions.
- DAY 3 :-Keep studying NCERT and solve intext questions also.
- DAY 4 :-Solve exercise questions.
What should I do if I get 60 in 12th science?
Re: What should I do after scoring 60\% in 12th science?
- MBBS. If you have interest in biology…
- B.tech in biotechnology. If you have interest in technical field..
- B.Pharm. If you have interest in pharmaceutical field..
- BBA.
Is 12th Board important?
Without a doubt, class 12th marks are important. Based on the marks you score, you get admission to colleges. Even if you go for entrance exam based colleges, there also 12th marks are considered. Class 12th marks are also considered for job interviews.
Can I change my board after 12th?
No, you can’t change your board in 12th class by doing 11th in another board. It is a rule that a student has to complete both 11th and 12th from same board. It is better for you to continue in the same board.
How to score more than 90\% marks in 10th 12th Board Exam?
11 Tips To Score More Than 90\% Marks In 10th 12th Board Exam. 1 1. Defeat Yourself. 2 2. Stick with your syllabus book – Mind It. 3 3. Be careful with your weak points. 4 4. Time will kill your marks. 5 5. Practicing from the sample and previous year papers is the best way.
Can I do 12th from open board and do 60\%?
12th will not be considered anywhere, only graduation. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank. We’ve put together a list of 8 money apps to get you on the path towards a bright financial future. You can do 12th again from open board to secure 60 \% marks .
Can I reappear for 12th Board exams after a year gap?
Theoretically, yes you can reappear for 12th exams either in the same or different board and improve your percentage. You can also consider enrolling in a degree course of your choice and repeating 12th Std from NIOS if improving your percentage is the only criterion.
What is the next board after 12th standard?
There is no board after 12th standard. if you want to reappear in the 12th you can do . you can improve your \% even from the same board if you wish. it does not make any sense by doing this. you can take admission in graduation and by working hard you can have good records in Graduation.