Is love rational or irrational?
The philosopher Laurence Thomas holds that love cannot be meaningfully said to be rational or irrational. “There are no rational considerations whereby anyone can lay claim to another’s love or insist that an individual’s love for another is irrational,” says Thomas.
Is love part of the human condition?
It suggests that humans are able to have a complex range of emotions for an individual. Therefore it is possible to love someone yet be repulsed by their behavior and action. This is a unique trait of humans and the human condition. Humans can have more than one emotion towards another.
Is love a complex emotion?
As we approach this Valentine’s Day and think about romantic love, let us remember that love is one complex emotion. Love arises out of multiple structures and specific neurotransmitters for its origins.
Is love a choice or emotion?
Love is making a choice every day, either to love or not to love. That’s it. This doesn’t mean we don’t love the person; it means we are left with a choice. There is a difference between feeling love for someone (caring about a person) and loving someone (choosing to love that person).
Can you be rational in love?
Finally, love may generate rational ways of belief-formation by framing the parameters taken into account in perception and attention, and by bringing into light only a small portion of the epistemic information available. Love may make us perceive reality more acutely.
What is meant by rational love?
Rational love is love based upon intellect, reason or spirituality rather than natural love which is based upon instinct, intuition or romance.
Is love a culture or biological?
Love is most likely influenced by both biological drives and cultural influences. While hormones and biology are important, the way we express and experience love is also influenced by our personal conceptions of love.
What is the source of human love?
There is only one Source of love and that is our Source – God, Spirit, Higher Power, or whatever you want to call our Source. Love is God and God is love and any love that comes to us through another person is coming from God through that person.
Is love a biological or psychological?
As such, love is clearly not ‘just’ an emotion; it is a biological process that is both dynamic and bidirectional in several dimensions. Social interactions between individuals, for example, trigger cognitive and physiological processes that influence emotional and mental states.
Is love a real feeling?
Not only isn’t love a feeling—love isn’t even an it. “Love as a feeling is ephemeral and goes away when circumstances change,” Hendrix says. “Love as a verb isn’t dependent on how you feel or even what you think. Instead you make an unconditional commitment to the other person.”
What is the difference between romantic love and rational love?
The difference between romantic love and rational love is an awareness of power and choice amongst the heady rush of dopamine and sex hormones. If romantic love is based on chance and the total immersion into sexual attraction, rational love is based on self-control and sound decision-making skills.
How does the rational principle enable the human person?
In this way, the rational principle enables the human person to reach an intimate and deep knowledge of all existing things. In this very way, the person is capacitated for a fundamental and profound relationship with all of created reality.
What is the nature of the human person?
The human person is a rational substance. The essence of the human person, that which specifies the human person amongst the entire animal kingdom (of which he is a part), and that which sets him apart as a species, is to be found in his rational nature.
What is the philosophical treatment of Love?
The philosophical treatment of love transcends a variety of sub-disciplines including epistemology, metaphysics, religion, human nature, politics and ethics.
What does Plato say about reciprocity in love?
Reciprocity is not necessary to Plato’s view of love, for the desire is for the object (of Beauty), than for, say, the company of another and shared values and pursuits. Many in the Platonic vein of philosophy hold that love is an intrinsically higher value than appetitive or physical desire. Physical desire, they note, is held in common with