How is 1901 pronounced?
1900, 1901, 1902 – nineteen hundred, nineteen hundred (and) one, nineteen hundred (and) two, etc. 2010 – Twenty-ten or two-thousand (and) ten.
How is 2001 pronounced?
Thus, you might hear: “Two-thousand and twenty,” or “Two-oh-two-oh,” and “Two-thousand-and-fifteen,” “two-thousand-fifteen,” or “two-thousand-one-hundred-and-fifteen.” Business people would shorten the form to “twenty” and to “fifteen.” The year 2001 is regularly pronounced as “two-thousand-one,” or in a short form, ” …
How do you pronounce the year 1900?
We pronounce 1923 as nineteen twenty-three; but 1900 as nineteen hundred.
Which of the correct pronunciation of the year two thousand and twenty?
The first two are correct. If it’s a calendar year it’s twenty twenty two. If it’s a quantity for that matter, then it’s two thousand twenty two.
How do you pronounce 1910s?
Nineteen Ten’s makes the most sense. Not only does it make sense, but that is indeed what the 1910s are called. The apostrophe is not necessary.
How do you say year 2003?
How are the years pronounced in English?
- 2003 → ‘twenty oh three’
- 2012 → ‘twenty twelve’
- 2023 → ‘twenty twenty-three’
What is 1111 called in English?
1111 in English Words is : one thousand one hundred eleven.
How do you pronounce the year 2100?
You are correct. Americans (estadunidenses) usually say, “twenty-one hundred”, but that is spoken American English only. If you are writing it out for a formal document (legal) use “two thousand one hundred”.
How do you read 1910 in English?
1910 in English Words is : one thousand nine hundred ten.
Why do we say ‘hundred’ instead of 2000?
The logic apparently lies in grouping the digits in a way that’s easy to visualize (mentally) and/or pronounce. Since there are always two zeroes in nineteen hundred, saying ‘hundred’ makes sense. 2000 has three zeroes, which is visually easier to recognize and split as two and ‘thousand’.
Why is the year 1901 written as “1901” in Spanish?
Some languages do it that way. In Spanish, “1901” is “mil novecientos uno”. And English did have that convention at one point: the US Constitution concludes:
Why do some people say “nineteen hundred” instead of “one thousand nine”?
“One thousand nine hundred” is wordy; “nineteen hundred” became more popular, and then just “nineteen”. There’s no particular reason why one set of people would stick with one style and the other switch; it’s just a matter of local preference.
Why do we say ‘two thousand twelve’ instead of ‘twenty’?
Reg has given an example. There don’t seem to be any other logical reasons for this trend. I think the main reason is a rhythm of pronunciation. That’s why we use “two thousand …” instead of “twenty …”. Also I have heard a two songs with “two thousand twelve”. So the change will occur in 2013.