How do mediums communicate with the dead?
Communicating mind-to-mind in the spirit world. Mediums talk to the dead using telepathy also known as mind-to-mind communication. The discarnate spirit projects their thoughts and feeling onto the mind of the medium and a spirit communication takes place.
How do mediums communicate with spirits?
A medium needs to raise her vibration to reach the spirits, while the latter lower their vibration to reach the medium. And this is where the word “Medium” comes from, which conveys the meeting in the middle for both the spirit and the medium. Spirits communicate with mediums in different ways.
Why do we call them mediums?
Because spirits and mediums do not live on the same dimension, they have to meet at a mutual place. A medium needs to raise her vibration to reach the spirits, while the latter lower their vibration to reach the medium. And this is where the word “Medium” comes from, which conveys the meeting in the middle for both the spirit and the medium.
Can a dead person Hear You?
The dead can communicate to anyone who is open and who has the faculties, the time, space and mind to receive it. If it’s a regular spirit, such as one that is closely linked to you, such as a spirit guide or an angel, then the answer yes, they can almost always hear you – they can also respond – because they’re always there.
Can a medium make a spirit person communicate with you?
A medium cannot make a spirit person communicate with them. We have to open our awareness and see what comes. I am not like an open telephone line to the other side. What happens is a form of telepathy, not between me and the person with me but between the person in the spirit world and me.
What is mediumship and how does it work?
Mediumship is the ability to sense Spirit (most often those who have lived on earth before, but this includes Spirit Guides/Angels too), and decipher the messages they wish to share with us.
What happens when you send a thought to a medium?
When you send a thought to the medium, you quickly learn that he or she is not a clear channel. Although you can communicate with full clarity telepathically with other people in the spirit world, it is a difficult process communicating with the living.